Toys of the Seventies, Super Elastic Bubble Plactic

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Not Balloon in a Tube, but whoever listed it got the use right. Almost impossible to actually blow a decent bubble with this stuff. And yes, it did stink. Was also extremely flamable! Nothing said "fun" like a 12 year old with a tube of firestarter!
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Super Elastic Bubble Plactic from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Linda - July 22, 2011 - Report this comment
I remember trying to get this to work and your right it was hard and smelled horrible! I'm sure now this would be illegal for kids to play with.
Rob Lambert - March 16, 2015 - Report this comment
Found the TV commercial for Super Elastic (Wham-O), which followed one for Super Balls in the same break, from "Hot Dog," an NBC Saturday morning kids show combining education and humor, from 10/3/70. Show was co-hosted by the strange trio of Woody Allen, JoAnne Worley and Jonathon Winters. Frank Buxton, the voice of Bat Fink in cartoons, served as an off-camera commentator. Using Super Elastic Bubble Plastic took some patience...and a clothespin for your nose.

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