Toys of the Seventies, Stasharp Pencils

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Not really a toy but we used them in school. They were plastic pencils with multiple plastic incased leads inside. When the point went dull, you would out the lead cartridge from the bottom and put it in the top and that would make the next fresh lead cartridge come out the other end. Eraser Mate pens were also popular.
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Semi Mainer - June 09, 2022 - Report this comment
After my mother passed away I found one of these Stasharp plastic pencils in her belongings. I held onto it and use it once in a while. The lead seems to be a nice #2 that easily produces dark, legible written results. The tip had become dull and I didn't know how to replace it until I happened onto your website and read your instructions. Thanks! Caution: when you open the back end to get a fresh cartridge, tip the pencil carefully or all the little cartridges can fall out. You don't want to lose any.

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