Toys of the Seventies, Star Wars Action Figures and Vehicles

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Beloved tie-ins from the beloved movie.
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Rob Lambert - March 09, 2015 - Report this comment
This text is not about the mainstream (Kenner) Star Wars toys, but about a mail-order outlet that Marvel Comics concocted to sell merchandise, featuring Spider Man and other superheroes. Under license from Lucas Films, Marvel began publishing Star Wars comic books in late 1977. Also, the mail-order outlet, Superhero Merchandise, offered various (given, low-quality) Star Wars toys. My focus is on the R2D2 radio-controlled toy, priced at $37 with shipping. R2 moves in four directions, and its head rotates and beeps as you'd command it, using the remote. For 1977, that was a ton of money to spend on a fragile toy . Add a dollar or two for batteries to power the toy and the remote.

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