Toys of the Seventies, SST Racers

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Little cars that contained a flywheel in the center. You fed in what looks like today's zip cord, then you yanked it out hard and turned the car loose. They were pretty fast; mine usually zoomed under the sofa or some other inconvenient spot.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about SST Racers from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

HOLLIS - December 22, 2007 - Report this comment
MC - June 15, 2009 - Report this comment
I can not believe somebody is not selling these? Every kid in my class had one back in the mid 70's. Great toy!
TS - June 26, 2009 - Report this comment
I've looked and can't find anywhere. to bad I think they would still be a great toy.
GR - October 08, 2009 - Report this comment
I loved this toy, mine was lime green, looked like a salt flat speeder, could cross a tennis court in about 4 seconds and break someones' ankle at 30 feet. Probably why they'll never come back sadly. Just saw a new mini version rip-off going by gyro-racer (I'm still buying one)
Wade Nielsen - November 30, 2009 - Report this comment
Awesome toy of my childhood , But from what I remember they were taken off the market due to many dangers. Kids were getting hair caught in the center wheel . Also they were very fast and caused damage to many things they would hit. But I still would like to find one :)
VickiD - December 02, 2009 - Report this comment
I'm from Norther IL. and back in grade school (early 70's) on rainy days and we couldn't go to the play ground outside the schoold did "STP races". Sometimes there were whole school events for these races. I remember mostly boys had these and I was the only girl with one. We would stand at one end of a BB court and about 20 kids would let them fly! I was just telling my daughter about this the other day and had to find out if they were still around... I'll keep tabs here and hope someone finds a place they sell them or whatever. Thanks all.
VickiD - December 02, 2009 - Report this comment
looking more I found them on EBay under Kenner SSP. And in type Kenner SSP and see the commercials from them and other things. Gave me chills when I heard those go!
Diego - April 02, 2010 - Report this comment
I still have my two but I don't have the pull cords.... Where could I get them?
Charlie - July 28, 2010 - Report this comment
We used to let these rip down the street. We loved `em. we stripped out the cords first,but they sold replacements.The next thing to go was the bearings on the big wheel.One of my favorites. If only my parents had hung on to that stuff,as of course us kids did`nt know any better. Glad to find some info on them here.Will look at Kenner in ebay.Thanks!CF
PfatPfrog - December 20, 2010 - Report this comment
I had a purple one, gawd I loved that car! Zzzip, Zzzap, Zzzoom!!!
John - March 05, 2011 - Report this comment
Anyone find these yet? I wonder why none have survived? They could FLY!
David - May 13, 2011 - Report this comment
I had one of the SST Racers as well! It was red and was supposed to resemble the 1969 Dodge Charger Daytona with the huge wing on the rear! Loved that car..
Greg from New Jersey - May 28, 2011 - Report this comment
I still have the gold motorcycle my parents gave me for Christmas 1970. Wish I had the darn "T" strip! My grandson now plays w it!
Mark - August 13, 2011 - Report this comment
I still have one of my SST racers after all these years. It sits on my book shelf in my den.
Ken - October 20, 2011 - Report this comment
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David from Atlanta - December 18, 2011 - Report this comment
My brother and would spend hours on end playing with ours, mine was metallic maroon. We would make ramps for them and let em fly. I just checked eBay...not a one for sale :(
jimmy mulvey - January 15, 2012 - Report this comment
just found four of these at my mom's house with 3 cords. are they worth anything?
jcain - January 30, 2012 - Report this comment
If you are interested in selling let me know, do you have photos
jimmy mulvey - February 04, 2012 - Report this comment
am interested in selling them. no pictures but i could text them to you.
rich snyder - August 09, 2012 - Report this comment
yes , this is something that still should be on the market !!!!!!!!!!!! sst racers and evil knevil crank up toys favorite sst was a stock car black with maroon devil on top of car i have looked for mine can not find any of them , but i'm positive my childhood buddy who lives across the street still has his and they are still across the street from where i live, my buddy will not let anyone touch them nor he wont touch them ... but thats why he still has them and all of his awesome toys all still pretty much in mint with boxes .... jimmy mulvey if you still haqve them i would love to buy them ... rich @
Mike Halpin - October 31, 2012 - Report this comment
I'm sure someone deemed this toy to be too dangerous for kids. I loved this toy and had three and i'm sure that i broke them back in the day because I can't find them now.
Kevin D - December 27, 2012 - Report this comment
I had one of the salt flat cars. It hit the phone cord on the floor (remember those) and launched into the Christmas tree like a missle. Lol! I also had a demolition derby car. I think it was a 57 chevy and parts would would fly off when it crashed. What a blast.
Bill - April 15, 2013 - Report this comment
I have an SST car from is the TEE-RIFFIC it is purple ,black and,silver some of the silver paint is missing and I do not think the zip cord is the one it came with.Looking to sell about to list on EBAY under 8870johnson
Rick - June 17, 2016 - Report this comment
I had a green and a gold Bonneville Salt Flats racers. Loved these cars, until that one time I thought it a good idea to let it climb up my cousin's back after giving it a record-qualifying pull of the handle....she had long hair....and the race car stopped rather abruptly when it ran out of race track. It looked like her head was a plate of steel and the car was a super-magnet. I felt so bad about to never got all that hair from around that axle. LoL! I kid. kinda.
Mike Sullivan - April 03, 2024 - Report this comment
I loved my sublime lime salt flat torpedo like SST racer it sailed down whatever track you could create and kept going until the center flywheel ran out of zip! Then it was time to SEND IT !!again Hours and hours of fun 🤩

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