Toys of the Seventies, Romper Stompers

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Yellow plastic cups that you stand on with plastic cord handles you hold while you walk around on the cups.
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The following are comments left about Romper Stompers from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

John - August 10, 2008 - Report this comment
Ahhh, memories flood back, kindergarten play time, milk, cookies, romper stompers, me holding my friggin' twisted ankle... still, got back on and played "stomp the other's feet" with the other lads. Kind of like thumb-wrestling but with feet, very noisy and teachers don't like it as much as we boys did.
Rob Lambert - January 18, 2018 - Report this comment
Hasbro made the first Romper Stomper cup stilts in 1976. Later versions included Incredible Hulk-like monster cups. The TV Romper Room, a franchised, syndicated series for preschoolers, began in 1953. Local TV stations either produced their own, or ran a national version. Though many were married, the teacher-hostess was always called "Miss." When I was little, the Milwaukee show was taped in B&W. Chicago show (WGN) in color. In many cases, two shows were taped on Friday, three on Saturday, to provide five fresh shows weekly. A few actually did live telecasting. Commercial time was usually filled with PS announcements.

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