Toys of the Seventies, Playskool Camper

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an RV camper made by playskool
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Playskool Camper from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

CT - April 24, 2009 - Report this comment
was this a yellow camper (more like an rv) about 2 feet long? because I had one of these, but I never saw one again.
Lisa - March 09, 2011 - Report this comment
I loved my Playskool camper. Came with a family of 4. I had hours of fun exploring the wild outdoors in my backyard. Nothing beats a camping trip.
Mar - April 25, 2013 - Report this comment
Oh God, I'd wanted one of these for the longest time, 'round about when I was five. (I loved campers and RVs as a little kid because my grandparents had a small motherhome.) My mother gave her stock answer, "Maybe for Christmas". Of course, when I woke up, it was under the tree, and suffice to say, Christmas 1969 was a happy one for me!
Rob Lambert - September 17, 2017 - Report this comment
Playskool updated its RV camper several times. 1970, '72, '76 and into the 1980s. A Playskool toy which has really gone up in value is the 1977 Gilligan Floating Island. Originally $7.50, now worth $300 complete and boxed. This toy was based on the 1974 "New Adventures of Gilligan" cartoon show, cancelled by ABC after two seasons. Only Gilligan, Skipper and Mary Ann figures came with it. In the cartoon, Mary Ann was sloppily dressed, and drawn to look 15 years older than her Dawn Wells counterpart, plus she bore an attitude the original Mary Ann did not. Filmation voice artist Jane Webb-Edwards voiced her instead of Wells. The Island toy could be played with on water or hard surface.

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