Toys of the Seventies, Holly Hobby

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Don't have much of a description except that I know there was a heck of a lot of stuff with Holly Hobby on it in the 70's! I remember getting a Holly Hobby camera! She was a girl in an old fashioned dress and a bid bonnet!
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The following are comments left about Holly Hobby from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

CT - April 24, 2009 - Report this comment
Yes, I had a Holly Hobbit doll with that description. She had brownish hair. Mine had a House that popped up. I think it was just a kitchen, two walls and a floor type set up,that she could "work" in. Another of my favorite toys, wish I still had it. I think she had a pet too.
CT - April 24, 2009 - Report this comment
OOPS! I just discovered her correct name. She was actually Jody and her country kitchen. Loved that doll!

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