Toys of the Seventies, Battling Tops

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The names for the different tops were: Dizzy Dan, Tricky Nicky, Smarty Smitty, Twirling Tim and Hurricane Hank.
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The following are comments left about Battling Tops from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Dave - October 02, 2007 - Report this comment
Another gem from the 70s and sadly one that I didn't get to own. For some reason my parents didn't let me have one after seeing the advert on TV which used the slogan "It's in the wrist action" I found out why they didn't like this slogan less than a year later and I remain bitter to this day that (a) my friends had a head start in developing their 'wrist action' ahead of me, and (b) my parents deprived me of such a cool toy.
crazy amy - October 13, 2008 - Report this comment
u are right,DAVE,it was one of the coolest games ever!my brother and i had one and it was one of the few things we could play together and agree on-otherwise we were just trying to kill each SHOULD be bitter because i believe i am probably a better person just because i got to experiance the joy of owning and playing battling tops.i hope you find an old game a flea market or toy i had known u i would have shared my game with you.
Lee - December 24, 2008 - Report this comment
Yes, one of the best!! I remember playing with my brother all the time. I think each top had a name. Does anyone remember that? A name based on the color of the top. The images online of Battling Tops show a game that is much smaller than I remember. Isn't that how it always is?
Steve - May 05, 2009 - Report this comment
Don't forget top #6...Super Sam!!! He was the orange one I believe.
Harold - May 08, 2009 - Report this comment
I recently purchased a near mint battling top set and my came with a total of 8 different tops. I have all the orignal six, tricky nicky, super sam, dizzy dan, hurricane hank, smarty smitty, and twirling tim. I have two other that i dont remember. Maybe someone knows about these two they are named fighting frank and rocky rocko. thank you.
Ken - St. Charles, MO - July 15, 2009 - Report this comment
I had this as a kid. You can still buy the game new. Like others have said, the arena isn't as big as I rememer from my childhood days. The tops still rock when you pull them right. I think it would be fun to make a larger scale version for competition with bigger tops. Kind of a Battlebots type thing.
Glen M. Rowayton,CT. - December 10, 2009 - Report this comment
Me & My friends played Battling Tops for Hours &hours
mika - April 08, 2010 - Report this comment
dosn't tell me crap
Rob Lambert - December 13, 2014 - Report this comment
The 1969 Sears Wishbook listed Ideal's Battling Tops game for $2.99. The arena was about 16 inches diameter. A moderately popular game, it was discontinued by 1975.
Rob Lambert - February 24, 2015 - Report this comment
Found a Battling Tops TV commercial which aired on the "Archie Comedy Hour," from 12/27/69, CBS-TV. The family of actors really made it look exciting (naturally, long before video games).
Ted - October 12, 2016 - Report this comment
I liked this game. Wish they'd remake the original. Can I ask Rob Lambert can you post any ideal commercials you have on you tube?
Rob Lambert - October 13, 2016 - Report this comment
Sorry, Ted. I don't have the resources to post anything On YouTube. Keep checking it, though. It may have ads for other Ideal games like Kaboom and Ker-Plunk. Current toy companies like Hasbro are always re-making the old Ideal games.
Kenneth Williams - May 29, 2022 - Report this comment
I seem to remember a different commercial than the one that comes up on the google search

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