Toys of the Seventies, Art Tracer

I also have toy pages for the 80s and 90s.

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The art tracer you describe was called a Sketch-o-Graph. They were a child's version of a pantograph. They are still available every now and again on ebay.
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Rob Lambert - February 19, 2018 - Report this comment
Sketch A Graph was a product of Australia from the late 1970s. In earlier times, they were known as electric drawing sets, which resembled drafting kits, allowed you to trace different images. Drawing sets go back to the 1940s. In antique stores, I found a Bugs Bunny set from 1947. Also as notable, a 1969 "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In" set by Lakeside Toys, which had several dozen character and prop images to trace. The electrical sets used a light bulb to help the "artist" along.

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