Seventies Movies

The latest information about movies of the seventies on this site follows.

What's New on the Site

Remodel - Complete!
All the pages in all the sections should now reflect the new redesign of in the 70s. I've also fixed the "Latest Additions" sections, so those should be working again too.

Latest 70s Movie Quizzes

These are the latest movie quizzes available on our newest site, amIwrong that will appeal to 70's fanatics.

Latest Movie Additions
What was the dog's name in Smokey And The Bandit?
Submitted by Meri Welch. Added to the site on November 29, 2007
What was the only movie in which the author, Michael Crichton had a cameo appearance? In which scene?
Andromeda Strain. It is a non-speaking role during the scene where Dr. Hall is told to break scrub because he has to report to Wildfire.
Submitted by Rita Mc Donald. Added to the site on November 29, 2007
What singer/songwriter appeared in the film Two Lane Blacktop?
James Taylor
Submitted by renolda head. Added to the site on November 29, 2007
In Dawn Of The Dead, what was the nickname of the guy who had his girlfriend with him in the mall?
Submitted by Rob. Added to the site on November 29, 2007
In the movie "The Out-Of-Towners", what animal did hungry Jack Lemmon chase? What kind of snack did he chase the animal for?
Jack Lemmon chased a dog for a box of Cracker Jacks.
Submitted by Betina Belser. Added to the site on November 29, 2007
Cotton Pickin Chicken Pluckin Chicken Theives ()
An old movie I saw as a kid at a drive-in theater. It involves two hapless criminals who escape from custody and are set loose in the country where they are way out of place. I cannot seem to find a mention of the movie on the net anywhere.
Submitted by john C.. Added to the site on August 06, 2007
Night of the Lupus ()
Would you believe a horror film about rampaging, killer rabbits? I don't remember the details (film induced Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) I can't even remember how the bunnies managed to kill people but I DO REMEMBER dark shots, scary music and slow motion masses of bunnies leaping everywhere. How did MST3K miss this one? [mst3k might have missed it but "the matrix" didn't -- it's the movie playing in the background when neo is waiting to see the oracle. -ed]
Submitted by Cyndi Sherrill. Added to the site on August 06, 2007
"Aloha Bobby and Rose" ()
This was a typical movie about escaping the establishment of our society all the while demonstrating how confused we were as teens. The song: "Bennie and the Jets " by Elton John is what drew me to go see it, but the worst part is that they never went to Hawaii, actually, it never went anywhere. I wonder if Elton gave permission to use his musical star power to produce such a lame piece of "you know what."
Submitted by Vincent Micheal Ray. Added to the site on August 06, 2007
ice castles ()
PATHETIC. i couldn't believe i let my girlfriends talk me into going to this movie.from what i remember it was about a blind girl who wanted to be a skater so she trains really hard and robby benson is her coach/boyfriend...need i say more? anyway i just remember laughing my butt off when she finishes her act and people don't know she's blind so they throw flowers out on the ice and she falls on her ass, cause she can't see them!! my one girlfriend thought it was so sad,and i am not a heartless person, believe me, but the whole movie just really bored the crap out of me, and that was by far the highlight. my other girlfriend and i couldn't stop laughing....sorry
Submitted by patty. Added to the site on August 06, 2007
black widow spiders???? ()
I remember a family of females decended from the black widow spider, the girls had the red hour glass mark...but i could be wrong...
Submitted by Kara. Added to the site on August 06, 2007