Food of the Seventies, Torrone

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What you described as "terrones" I believe were/are actually "torrone", which is the Italian word describing a special candy made with at least 60% crushed and sliced almonds and just under 40% nougat (honey, sugar and egg-whites). It's usually made into thick rectangular blocks that are perhaps a couple inches long and an inch high and packed in ornate, individual boxes. It's those little boxes that I especially remember. This Italian candy is still made and marketed as "almond nougat candy" under such brand names as "La Florentine." A nearly identical candy is also made in southern Spain, where it is called "Turron."
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The following are comments left about Torrone from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Lisa - May 25, 2007 - Report this comment
may be "Toblerone"
Lea - January 30, 2008 - Report this comment
No. It is Torrone, and they are Italian nougats. We would get these in our Christmas stockings, and my grandmother would buy them before Christmas. They can be found in Italian stores. I remember that on the sides there was a wafer-like coating. The ones I remember came in four different flavors -- mint, vanilla, lemon and orange.
Paul M - February 13, 2009 - Report this comment
This is also called Maltese Nougat's. I am Maltese. There is a recipe online. So darn yummy. And easy to make.

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