Food of the Seventies, Simba Soda

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Simba was, I believe, Coca-cola's answer to Pepsi's Mountain Dew. It was long ago, but I think it had kind of the same flavor. Came in a gorgeous green bottle with a large painted lion on it.
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The following are comments left about Simba Soda from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy. - December 15, 2007 - Report this comment
Was going through some old things and ran into a bottle of Simba Pop. The bottle is empty although the lid is still in tact. If you know the value of this bottle, I would appreciate it if you would contact me. The bottle is not broken or cracked, just empty.
Steve McCullen - June 18, 2008 - Report this comment
Simba’s catch phrase was “Caught in the grip of the African thirst”. Commercials featured an Indiana Jones wannabe stalking a lion with a camera. The lion turns on him, and “Indie” barely makes it back to the rear of a (real) Land Rover. As an unseen driver hits the gas, our hero lifts a (Simba) toast to the lion. The idiot remembers to bring an ice chest with soda pop and an opener, but forgets his telephoto lens. Simba may mean lion. - September 20, 2008 - Report this comment
Remember drinking this at my grandmother's home. She would always have it for the kids. This would have been early 70's. I remember I liked it but what soda didn't you like as a kid? Not many! haha
Pat Ward - October 09, 2008 - Report this comment
I can remember my Dad buying this in cans? And it was primarily found in the Los Angelas California area back when I was younger!! Sure wish Coca Cola would bring it back....
immersion - December 19, 2008 - Report this comment
I have memories of my 3 siblings and I gathering on a Friday night to pop popcorn, drink our coveted Simba soda and watch a show on TV, perhaps Brady Bunch. Having a drink of pop or soda was rare in those times because we were on a tight budget. It made having a soda all the more special.
Ron Johnson - January 05, 2009 - Report this comment
When my brother and I were quite young and when we visisted my Grandparents they would give us some change to "Go get something at the market," and we would walk two blocks down to the neighborhood corner ma and pop store (circa '70) and invariably grab a bottle of Simba. My folks didn't let me drink much soda and so this was pure independance. A quarter in your pocket and the power to choose your own destiny... we chose the cool green bottle and the lion on the label and popped the top and down the hatch. It was 9 year old heaven. Wish I could do it again sometime...
anonymous - January 26, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember walking to the little store about 3/4 of a mile away just to get Simba pop. This was in the late 60's because it was before I moved to north Seattle from south Seattle. I thought it was the best pop in the world! Simba and Flicks chocolate wafers. Nothing can beat those 2 now!
Chris - January 27, 2009 - Report this comment
I loved Simba Soda. I used to get it out of a pop machine in a laundry matt across the street from my home when I was a kid. It was in the machine along with Fanta Soda. I loved Simba Soda, I wish I could taste it again!
Michele W - March 11, 2009 - Report this comment
Every year our family went camping in the High Sierra's for two weeks. We would stop a local grocery store on the way and my dad would buy us Simba. My brothers and I would always look forward to that stop and loved the drink!
Brad - March 30, 2009 - Report this comment
I used to drink Simba at my grandma's house in Bakersfield, California. I was just thinking about it today for some reason and would love to see any video someone has of the commercial.
Jim C. - May 06, 2009 - Report this comment
I was in Rhode Island from 1968 to 1969. Coca-Cola was selling a pop called Simba then. It was basically Fresca with sugar instead of saccharine. It was good. I suspect that version of Simba was only in test market at the time, since I never saw it anywhere else in the country.
loli - May 30, 2009 - Report this comment
Did this commercial used to say " Simba...smacks the throat hard" ? trying to remember where I heard that quote
Patricia C. - June 21, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember when they first launched Simba. As a marketing gimic, they put Simba in the water fountain at my local Kroger Store so people could "try before you buy". No one else in my family could remember this wonderful beverage and tried to convince me that I had dreamed the whole thing...I mean, who puts soft drinks in the drinking fountains anymore...those were the days!
Angie - July 11, 2009 - Report this comment
I also came across a vintage, Simba Soft Drink bottle. It is in green glass with the name and lion raised on front and back of bottle. I also have a plastic bottle cap with Dad's Root Beer written on it. Are either of these items valuable? Just courious!
Darren - August 01, 2009 - Report this comment
Mt recollection was that the commercial said, " goes for the throat"
Michael - September 24, 2009 - Report this comment
For me it was at a church camp one summer - the only summer I remember it bienig available in our area and i don't even think the stores stocked it. I remember it having a flaveor that was like a blend of Mountain Dew and Squirt - I remember it as being one of my 2 favorite sodas ever, don't know if I would still feel the same if I had it today but I would love to find out. I still have an empty bottle from that camp.
Pete - September 26, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember the commercial saying "It conquers the African thirst." I was in 7th grade (1968-69). This drink took on legendary status with my brother and I since we could never find it where my mom shopped. Loved the bottle design. Back in the days of returnable (reusable) bottles ($0.02 deposit).
don joe - September 26, 2009 - Report this comment
i loved it. that and sport cola(REMEMBER THAT?) LATE 60,S
jb from LA - October 01, 2009 - Report this comment
Simba: "Goes for the throat!!!"
jennifer - October 08, 2009 - Report this comment
we were digging a hole in my dads backyard and i came across this bottle it didnt have the print on it green bottle with a lion imprint on it wasent even chipped or anything my dad says was like a mountain dew sorta its bottle has no refund imprinted on it
CR Nashville - October 09, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember Simba in Louisville in the late '60s... Louisville was a good test market (Pepsi with lemon pre-1970).
jeh22ga - October 14, 2009 - Report this comment
It was distributed in central Kentucky (Hodgenville/Elizabethtown area) in the late '60's. It definitely had the tag line "it conquers the African thirst." I bought a vintage bottle a couple of years ago. Looks like it may have the cola still in it but you never know. I'm not unsealing it.
Michael - November 18, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember drinking Simba in the early 70's in East Ridge, TN. The slogan was (Concurs the African thirst).
Mario A. - December 22, 2009 - Report this comment
I asked my wife last night, what was her favorite thing to get whet she went to the store as a kid. She said, "A Simba, a bag of Funions and a Big Hunk". I'm going to find these three items and give her a surprise.
Richard - January 20, 2010 - Report this comment
I loved this drink and collected a bunch of the bottles since they were "molded" with the lion's image in raised relief and as a 12-year-old I thought that was cool. A thin shelf spanned the perimeter of my bedroom just below the ceiling and the whole thing was lined with Simba bottles. The 1971 Sylmar, CA earthquake happened early one morning and I'll never forget having to cover my head with my pillow because Simba bottles were raining down all over me from above!! A great memory for me.
Jim - January 22, 2010 - Report this comment
I thought the slogan was. "Simba it quinches the african thirst" I remember it tasting somewhere between Mountain Dew and Sprite. But after almost 40 years my memory may not be exact? But at least I do remember Simba.
Jim - March 03, 2010 - Report this comment
I remember Simba in cans at the swimming pool vending machine at our apartment complex. It was early 1970's in Wichita, KS. It was my favorite drink at the time, but just thought about it today at lunch and thought I would google it. Great to find others who remember. Never saw the cool bottle, just the cans and I believe they were yellow cans.
Ryan - March 06, 2010 - Report this comment
I remember Simba in the late 60's or early 70's it was the best. I would always asked Dad for Simba when at the Store and when I could have one it was the best. Mountain Dew HAh. Chanute,ks.
Russty - April 23, 2010 - Report this comment
I was doing some business with the Coke company and behind an executives desk was a can with the label SIMBA. I inquired and was told that it had been created specifically for the African American market. They apparently were offended big time because of the "Black Sambo" implication, so it was pulled. A bad idea from somebody at Coke.
W MOBLEY - May 03, 2010 - Report this comment
Westside Long Beach Ca. LOVED SIMBA!!I dont know who was targeted for the soda{yes i am black} and we were not offended!!! Coca Cola needs to bring it back! It is 1000 times better than Mt Dew...Apple Beer is the only replacement but thats another story.........
wmobley - May 03, 2010 - Report this comment
30 - June 20, 2010 - Report this comment
My previous comment was deleted. Too bad. I would have still drank the stuff if it only came in cans.
Robert Wallis - July 17, 2010 - Report this comment
I remember Simba from 1968 in Louisville, KY. Simba was discontinued in the area, and presummably test marketed in other artea at different times for the next seeveral years until being pulled. It was reintroduced as Mello-Yello as a comppetitor to Mountain Dew. Many don't recall when that first came out, but the bottles had stereotyped mountaineers laying around sipping from moonshine jugs, wearing big floppy brimmed hats and carrying squirrel rifles.
d.bowling - July 29, 2010 - Report this comment
Man, I thought I was the only one who remembered Simba, used to buy it all thru Cal. loved it wish it was still around, the logo was great too.
K Black - July 30, 2010 - Report this comment
was helping the youth from my church and found them in the ground when we dug up 30 year old trees. Nice to know its an antique. Im only 26 so i consider it antique. Wish I could have tasted it but, it never sounds like it made it to the deep south. No one down here in S.Carolina has ever heard of it. :)
JR Sully - August 04, 2010 - Report this comment
Didn't Coke bring back Simba as Mello Yello??? I loved Simba and I'm pretty sure that Mello Yello is pretty close in taste.
T Clyde - August 11, 2010 - Report this comment
Did Simba do poorly on the market? I was 11 when it came out in California. It was everywhere and everyone was drinking it. My brother and me included. If our mother came home from the market with anything but Simba we wouldn't drink it.
Adam - August 22, 2010 - Report this comment
I don't know if it is the same thing, but there is an awesome Simba cola sold by Coca-Cola in Bolivia, probably other Latin countries too.
Joseph - September 05, 2010 - Report this comment
Found an old Simba bottle under a rock wall along the roadside in Massachusetts. It's been driven over for years by the 4 wheelers and never broke. That's one tough bottle. I don't remember the drink but probably would have liked it since I loved the old Fresca in 10 oz bottles we had at the school picnic every year.
Ricky - October 06, 2010 - Report this comment
My aunt said she remembers drinking Simba when she was a little girl, and it made her urine turn blue.
Mark - October 12, 2010 - Report this comment
Simba was sold in bottles & cans. I remember using the piercing type can openers to drink one which made them "pre-pop top" cans. My parents sometimes used it for mixed drinks. What I would do to enjoy a Simba today!
sillyj - October 30, 2010 - Report this comment
Remember drinking Simba soda while watching Mutual of Omaha'a Wild Kingdom on Sunday nights. Too cool
Mark A. Smith - December 26, 2010 - Report this comment
Lived in Newport Oregon late 60's early 70's used to share a ice cold bottle of Simba with my brother Tim.......WISH I had one now!
Robert Muhsemann - January 18, 2011 - Report this comment
I was an Air Force brat in central Missouri in 1971 and remember how easily a icy cold Simba would go down on a hot summer day. AHH to be that young and carefree again.
Kaylyn Slankard - January 25, 2011 - Report this comment
When I was about 10 years old, my grandfather gave me an unopened bottle of Simba. I still have it and I am wondering about the value of it. Also, the bottle seems unusually heavy. Being raised in the 21st century, I've grown accustom to plastic and tin. But for a glass bottle, it still seems really heavy.
Vincent Burns - April 11, 2011 - Report this comment
I remember my brother and I would go down to the local market in Argus, California and we would each have a quarter and would buy Simba and a hostess fruit pie and still get change. Those were the good ole days. But didn't the bottle come out with a raised lion on the bottle also. I mean the glass was formed with the lion in the glass, you could feel the lion on the glass.
Bob Daniels - May 14, 2011 - Report this comment
It was the boiling hot summer of 1968 at Fort Knox Kentucky. I was going thru basic training and enduring the usual hassles. One hot day the drill sergeant sat us down and proceeded to open and drink an ice cold Simba in front of us. I never remember wanting anything more than a taste of his Simba. And for what it's worth, that's my only Simba memory.
need help - May 29, 2011 - Report this comment
Many years ago in the State Wisconsin, my father bought Simba in can. Apparently had taste of Lemon Lime. My Dad bought a can home had kept it in the fridge for many weeks. On numerous occasions I would ask him, "When are you going to drink that can of Simba?" His reply was, "That can really bothers you eh?" Well, one day I came home from playing outside and saw my Dad drinking that can of Simba. So I said, "I see you are finally drinking that Simba pop?" My Dad just looked at me with much surprise and did not realize he had grabbed the wrong pop out of the fridge. So, with all that said, is there anyone out there that has a can of Simba for my Father?
;s - August 28, 2011 - Report this comment
my father created the Simba commercials and actually won a Cannes film prize (the advertising version) for them. One of the tag lines was Simba: it conquers the African thirst. We have old film reels of the footage! So so fun!
andrew woolf - August 29, 2011 - Report this comment
Actually the Simba Slogan was 'Conquers The African Thirst.' The narrator was Richard Attenborough, and The Simba Advertising Campaign was concieved and directed (Agency side), by my Father Don Woolf, out of Tinker Dodge Delano Agency, NYC in or around 1968! :)
J Shepard - September 27, 2011 - Report this comment
I have a six-pack carton with all six bottles of Simba. They have never been opened.
S Woo - October 19, 2011 - Report this comment
Simba was not like Mello Yello or Mountain Dew. It was more like Squirt on steroids!!! It had a really intense citrus taste. I simulate Simba in the 21st Century by adding Grapefruit or lemon juice to Squirt. I remember it being around in 1972 in L.A. The bottle I remember had the graphics molded in the glass and was a "no deposit, no return" bottle.
guest - December 17, 2011 - Report this comment
S woo is more correct. Simba was a non-colored, grapefruit flavored Squirt clone both in appearance and taste. His "on steroids" comment is just nostalgic embellishment. I loved both when I was young and still do Squirt.
jenn - January 27, 2012 - Report this comment
I found some short glasses in the bright green with simba the lion on front and back (raised). The bottom of the glass looks like the bottom of the soda bottle. But these are short jelly glasses. Anyone remember these from 1971?
walttimm - March 09, 2012 - Report this comment
Anyone remember this soda from about the mid-70's? I was servicing a parish in Norfolk, NE., and one of the congregation's members worked for Coco-Cola. The company, if I remember correctly, was dukin' it out with Pepsi products and their still famous, Mountain Dew. This soda was so poorly disliked by the community that the franchise literally had tons of this stuff sittin' around. Had a delivery truck load donated to the church and the kids wouldn't drink it, even free. Workin' for the church and makin' big bucks don't go hand in hand. I took nearly all of it home and Rozzie and I once we developed a taste for it, literally went through withdrawal when there was no more to be had. One of those tastes you'll never forget...and a good one, at that!
HARVEY - May 04, 2012 - Report this comment
Leesa - May 11, 2012 - Report this comment
We oved Simba when we were litte.Hate they aren't stil around for my chidren and grandchildren to enjoy!
Ricardo - August 11, 2012 - Report this comment
In Bolivia since a long time ago Simba appeared back again as a Soda with many flavours my favorite one is Guaraná. Check the picture
Dale M - December 18, 2012 - Report this comment
Several years ago I found a Simba can (12 oz aluminum with the pull-tab top) still sealed but empty. I grew up in the 60s & 70s in the Mid-West but had never heard of Simba before. I have a 'lion theme' collection and was intreged enough that I had to buy it. The can is white with orange lettering & a green lion standing in green grass. All these comments make me wish I could taste it.
Mark Lovelien - April 08, 2013 - Report this comment
Riding my Schwinn Sting Ray to the local Grocery, A cold Simba, a box of Pizza Spins and a Bub's Daddy! WOW!! That was livin'!
Bob - 64 - July 07, 2013 - Report this comment
While working at Coca Cola Bottling Company of Los Angeles from the summers of 1967 through 1972, (the college years)a new product came down the bottling line one warm summer evening. This new product, a citrus flavored drink with an extra bite (no doubt from extra carbonation) was called "Simba". The advertising slogan in the So. Cal area was, "Simba - goes for the throat!" It was a very tasty soft drink, but didn't last very long - just a few years. A sincere thank you goes to Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Los Angeles for allowing me to work there for six summers.
cristina - March 25, 2014 - Report this comment
I live in Bolivia and we have the simba, although it doesn't come in cans or glass bottles, it's a normal coca cola 2L plastic bottle. I love it, it comes in many different flavours, green apple, guarana, papaya, and others.
Linda - April 25, 2014 - Report this comment
Simba was my favorite soda pop as a child,i was about 13 when it was popular. I loved it,Squirt today is as close as you can get,but nothing has ever quenched my thirst better in the summer as Simba did. Please Coca Cola Co. bring it back!!!
Todd - August 04, 2014 - Report this comment
I remember drinking Simba in the 70's as a kid. I loved the taste and the artwork on the bottle. It would be nice if Coca Cola brought it back, especially with all the 'throwback' items around nowadays anyway. I wish I'd kept one of the bottles!
Cynthia - May 21, 2015 - Report this comment
I loved simba. One hot day 2 guys were begging for the one guys simba. It was so hot that day. The two guys kept begging for a sip, over & over. He finally threw the glass soda tired of his fiends begging. That soda was so good I'm like why he throw that! Simba was delicious cold on a hot day!!
Stuart - May 29, 2015 - Report this comment
Rondo, which was available in the late 70s to early 80s, was the most similar pop to Simba that I remember.
Scott - July 19, 2015 - Report this comment
"Simba, It conquers the African thirst". A great grapefruit/lemon/citrus soda. We loved it, and would buy it by the quart. It was close to Squirt, but had a bit more "bite". We loved it. It was Coke's answer to Squirt and was great in the summer. Corvaiilis, Oregon, 1968. Great times.
Colleen - September 22, 2015 - Report this comment
Me and the posse riding our Schwinns down to the K & D Food Bin with the coins we'd hoarded. Portland, OR. '68 & '69. Me and the posse riding our Schwinns down to the K&D Food Bin with our coins, or our returnable bottles. My choice was always Simba, a Heath bar, and Pez. I think it was less than 20 cents for all three. Mrs. K always kept a church key on a string outside the store so we could open our pops.
Lynn - September 23, 2015 - Report this comment
I found this site..I was just remininising.I too loved dad got a bottle cutter kit back in the day..late 60's..he made me drinking glasses out of the simba bottles..those where my favorite glasses to drink out of..wish ihad them if anyone finds some simba glasses out there? Maybe they where mine..if they survived that where the good ole day's! 😃
Keith - December 09, 2015 - Report this comment
Sim a was marketed toward youngsters. Sim a the word TARZAN used for Lion caught the attention of we youth that grew up watching Jungle Theater on Saturday mornings. Hit it's most popular about 1968 in my area, outside Louisville Kentucky.
pat mack - December 20, 2015 - Report this comment
Speaking of Louisville, my brother had a paper route in Louisville of about 150 papers. One day he came home from his route with about 150 10oz bottles of simba. These were free samples that he picked up behind the people dropping offthe free samples. I always wondered if the people on his route got the taste simba, it may be around today. Ha ha.
Popeye - April 28, 2016 - Report this comment
Quenches the African thirst...
nettie - February 15, 2017 - Report this comment
i found an old green bottle has a lion and it was called Simba we live in Ca dose any one know about this 16oz bottle its not white the lion is part of the bottle inprinted
John - April 24, 2017 - Report this comment
When my dad worked at Leavenworth prison, we prison brats got to swim at the officer's club. The lady who ran the commissary there, Mrs. Huber, always kept plenty of Simba on hand as well as frozen Zero bars and Chik-o-sticks. That's the only time I ever had Simba but I remember it was great. Tasted just like Fresca but with real sugar.
Tammy - June 05, 2017 - Report this comment
We had a fruit stand/market on the corner near our house and it sold Simba soda. This was in Indianapolis, IN in the '70's.
Gloria - July 08, 2017 - Report this comment
Grew up purchasing one on the way home from Markham Jr. High School, Watts, CA on 103rd St. at Mrs. Kenny's pharmacy circa 1970-1. Strong in taste.
cph - October 24, 2018 - Report this comment
I remember this soda, and drank it when I was about 5 or 6. BTW, "Simba" is Swahili for "lion"--I wonder if this was marketed to African Americans (lots of "Back-to-Africa" clothes and other stuff back then)
Ray - March 09, 2019 - Report this comment
I still have 4 unopened bottles with its original carton. I heard it called "CocaCola's Edsel bomb" Great graphics!
Leslie Hunt - March 25, 2019 - Report this comment
I loved Simba. Green bottle, white lion. Orange County Ca. Remember all the Africananimal movies back then? Even a John Wayne made one. Safari I think it was called. Much better than Fresca. Simba was a “Yikes” tart sour sids, but DELICIOUS!! I loved it. The lion made the Girls like too
Raoul - September 24, 2020 - Report this comment
Simba was my favorite soda when I was a twelve year old in Oregon. I remember that it had a tart lemon flavor and was sugary. It had the usual brominated vegetable oil cloudiness that you find in Squirt and Mountain Dew. It didn’t taste quite like anything else in the market.
Armand Hayes - November 03, 2021 - Report this comment
I lived in Kentucky at that time and there was a test market there for it. My Mom wouldn't buy much soft drinks- I-had-to-beg her to buy had a little more grapefruit taste, kinda between Mountain Dew and Fresca! The next door neighbor kid and I sat on the porch in the shade and drank sips of our bottles of smooth and tasty Simba! We'd try to roar like lions- obviously not a sound that humans can make well! We were so cool! It seemed to be a hit but maybe not in other places! I would guess that Coca-Cola didn't do the marketing quite as well on it as Mountain Dew did!
John DeModena - May 02, 2023 - Report this comment
I remember drinking Simba on hot summer days back in the 70s… it was great! And, like the ads said it “it goes for the throat” with a nice bite. Every so often friends remember it fondly. Wish they’d bring it back again. It was fun reading comments from other people over the years … didn’t know Richard Attenborough was involved in narration !
Ray doan - March 10, 2024 - Report this comment
I loved this Soda at the shores. It was also so old in a smalller bottle in soda machines, but was in braille. A neighbor had some 6packs in his garage a couple of years after they stopped selling them and we were lucky to have a couple.
RD - December 25, 2024 - Report this comment
In the 70s we were at a family-owned campground in Wisconsin that had a lion cub named Simba which was associated with the drink. By the timing of the soda's release and decline, maybe the cub was acquired after the soda went off the market. Can find no other info on the cub and don't remember the campground's name.

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