Food of the Seventies, Jello 1-2-3 and Spoon Candy
I also have food pages for the 80s and 90s.
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Don't you remember these glorious relics of the Jell-O laboratories? Of course, Jello 1-2-3 was my Grandma's favorite for a special holiday dessert. It's hard to remember how many bags of powder were in each carton, or how many steps it took, but the result was three cool layers of gelatin goodness! The bottom layer was like true, clear, pristine Jell-O; the next layer was kind of a "chiffon", lighter than the bottom layer and more opaque. The top was very light in color and texture. What a dessert. Spoon Candy came close: it was a Jello product that ended up kind of like a Reses Peanut Butter Cup in a dish. There was kind of a fudgy main part with a chocolate topping. It was pretty tasty as I recall.
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