Food of the Seventies, Hunt's Skillet Dinners

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These were skillet meals like Hamburger Helper,only MUCH better. There was Skillet Lasagne,Skillet Pizzeria and Skillet Mexicana(that I can remember). They had a lot more flavor than Hamburger Helper,and I wish they'd bring them back.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Hunt's Skillet Dinners from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

gayle - April 10, 2009 - Report this comment
Ohh... I can still remember how good the skillet lasagna was.... The spicing and ricotta based cheese sauce was very unique. I too wish they would bring these back.
Nancy - June 22, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember these and had began to wonder if anyone else did. The ricotta topping was a mix that was stirred together with milk. Our family loved it. I wonder if it didn't sell well or was obscured by Hamburger Helper. I do wish they would bring it back!
Arthurr - July 12, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember a Hawaiian with sweet and sour sauce. Damn it was good. They included a can of sauce rather than a dry packet. Used to buy it in Florida but hadn't seen it since I moved back to Indiana in 1975. If they brought it back I WILL BUY IT!
Tammy - August 11, 2009 - Report this comment
Yes, I would love to have the skillet hawaiian again.
Bill B****** - August 12, 2009 - Report this comment
Can't believe there's a web site for this! Anyhow, I remember back in 1976 devouring Hunt's Skillet Lasagna ... wife & I loved it ... did not take 5 years to make (about 30-40 minutes, actually), reasonable price, yet was delicious. Tasted better than any quick lasagna on the market today. I have been pissed ever since Hunts took it off the market, and for 30 years+, I refrain to buy Hunts products. Someone in management should have been fired!
MADISON - August 17, 2009 - Report this comment
I loved the SKILLET MEXICANA and have craved it for decades. HUNTS; DO YOU HAVE ANY LAYING AROUND THE WAREHOUSE ?!!! Or , you could just bring it back and make alot of folks HAPPY !!!
Loretta - September 19, 2009 - Report this comment
My brother and I cooked these frequently as our parents worked long hours. Our favorites were the skillet lasagna and skillet stroganoff. My brother is so nostalgic for the Hunt's Skillet Dinners that I bought a magazine ad page off of Ebay last week for Hunt's Skillet Dinner to frame and give to him for Christmas. LOL!
Ed - November 14, 2009 - Report this comment
My favorite was skillet stroganoff. We were newly weds on a tight budget and we had it once a week. All of these meals were much better than the various hamburger helper meals.
David - February 05, 2010 - Report this comment
I agree with all the comments about the Hunts Skillet dinners from the 1970s; I ate them all, loved them, and continue to miss them. Perhaps someone should send a note to Hunts management to view this page. Hint--Hunts could start a cool nostalgic marketing campaign by bringing back its skillet dinners for today's generation of youth to enjoy. And those of us who were fans in the 70s would be thrilled to see them on store shelves again!
linda - February 05, 2010 - Report this comment
I miss the beef strognoff
Marsh14 - March 09, 2010 - Report this comment
I ate the Skillet Lasagna all the time! My whole family loved it. And then they stopped making it! I thought I just imagined that it existed, until I saw this blog!
Dick - March 12, 2010 - Report this comment
If anyone has any of the hunts skillet meal, put them on e-bay and see how much attention they get
Dave - April 29, 2010 - Report this comment
I have very fond memories of hunts one skillet dinners that came in a complete meal box in the 70's....CHILI AND CORN BREAD...SOOOOO GOOD...anybody ready to rattle hunts cage (or another company that want's to ka-ching)to get it back ...let me know.
goldilockslee - May 04, 2010 - Report this comment
My favorite was Skillet Hawaiian...I made this for all my nieces and nephews all the time...they LOVED it! It was my favorite too...wish someone had the recipe! Would love Hunt's to bring back all the skillet dinners!
Marine Dad - June 09, 2010 - Report this comment
My favorite was Skillet Oriental! Hunt's skillet dinners were almost all I ate in college.
Mitzi - June 23, 2010 - Report this comment
The Skillet Lasagna was the BEST. I remember it as the first meal I cooked for my parents in my first apartment -- 40 years ago. What I wouldn't give to have those skillet dinners back!
Pete Barron - July 08, 2010 - Report this comment
Skillet Stroganoff was the shizzznit.....I loved that stuff. My grandmother introduced me to it....I wish they would bring it back. The ingredients were fresh and canned.....
Debbie - August 04, 2010 - Report this comment
Wow I really miss these. How can it be that Hamburger Helper stuck around so long, when none of them are anywhere near as good as the HSDs? My favorites were the Oriental and the Mexicali. Yum! Are you paying attention Hunt's? We would buy them if you bring them back.
L - September 20, 2010 - Report this comment
Does anyone remember a mix for hibachi burgers - it was asian flavors, with vegetables that you mixed into ground beef - it came in a box, the sauce mix in a packet and i think the veggies were in a can - it was awesome, can't find anything about it. wish I could
mel - November 02, 2010 - Report this comment
Oh, God, I crave the Skillet Mexicana all the time. My Mom was not much of a cook, so it was a staple for us. The spiciness was soooo goood! I'd give anything if they'd bring it back. How 'bout it, Hunt's?
Hal - November 19, 2010 - Report this comment
My father actually headed the R&D team that invented Hunt's Skillet Dinners. We had them in our house before they ever hit the market. As with many great things Hunt-Wesson did at that time they mastered the food science, but fell short on the marketing end, so companies like Betty Crocker and Del Monte beat them to market and stole their best ideas.
Hal - November 19, 2010 - Report this comment
Similarly, Hunt-Wesson was the first with diced peaches in a cup (snak-pak), and Del Monte made it to market first with a better sales effort. Same with Flavored ketchups (or "catsup" as Hunt insisted) and beans with different stof mixed in. Hunt always led with R&D, thanks to dear old dad, and always followed in getting to market and sales, thanks to who knows who. The sories I could tell about test market products we had in our home in the early 70s. Admirable Bird, anyone? (it was a freezer slushie).
Sally - November 30, 2010 - Report this comment
I, too, loved the Skillet Lasagna. I think about it all the time and Hamburger Helper does not come close. Please, Hunt's, just for old time sake, let's bring these back even if for a limited time. I'll buy them.
judy dail - January 23, 2011 - Report this comment
When we first married in 1972, we almost lived off the Skillet Mexicana dinner and we still talk about that dinner 38 years later. Call Hunts at 1-800-858-6372, I got this off Hunt's website. Maybe if they receive alot of calls, they might bring it back.
Melly - March 23, 2011 - Report this comment
The Skillet Lasagna was my favorite. I still have a box top from one of the boxes in with a lot of recipes that I have cut out of magazines and newspapers over 40 something years ago. Sure wish they would make them again.
David W. - April 13, 2011 - Report this comment
I loved the Skillet Mexicana. It was so much better than anything today. I am going to call that 1-800-858-6372 number as beg Hunt's to bring it back. Seriously, don't you think we could make that happen? We all remember it 40 years later.
Jane C. - April 21, 2011 - Report this comment
I can't believe I found this site. I LOVED THE LASAGNA!!! Everybody thinks I am crazy, remembering a skillet dinner with spinach noodles and a soft, white cheese topping! I was a kid, so I just presumed it was HH brand. I looked for vintage ads for years and none showed the picture I remembered! I just found the image TONIGHT! On EBay, I was looking for a vintage ad and saw a Hunt's Skillet Dinner ad....Eureka! I thought maybe it was a Hunt's dinner and not HH. One dealer is selling tons of vintage packaging and I found a lasagna box. I just bought it. At $20 it was steep, but it was worth it.....just for the memories! Hey Hunt's, if I will buy an empty box, you know I will be a loyal customer for life!
Patty - June 01, 2011 - Report this comment
I was a newlywed living in Okinawa, Japan. Hamburger was all we could afford. I found the Hunt's skillet dinners and we had them every night. Lasagna was the favorite of my husband, Hawaiian was mine. Mexicana was for Friday nights and the Pizzaria for Saturday nights. I miss these and I too would like to see them come back!!!!
Lisa - June 05, 2011 - Report this comment
I loved this too! I remember that it was the first time that I had even heard of the dish lasagna. When I was a kid I used to think that it was pronounced la-za(short a)g-na.
sam - July 17, 2011 - Report this comment
I wish they would bring back Hunts Skillet Dinners!!!!....I am a child of the 70s and totally remember the Lasagna....
FLOYD - August 31, 2011 - Report this comment
Charlene - September 28, 2011 - Report this comment
I was just telling my 'young' neighbors about these delicious box meals. I don't know if anyone remembers the reason for skillet dinners and hamburger helper but it was certainly someones 'political' idea for a 'meat shortage'!!! And, just before this it was a peanut shortage!!! YES, HUNTS, I'M PRINTING THIS 7 SENDING IT ON. WE WANT THESE PRODUCTS BACK!! How did Hamburger Helper stay on the market?? I ate that ONCE AND THAT WAS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!
vickie - October 06, 2011 - Report this comment
hunts skillet dinners was the best. my husband SAM was in the Navy and we ate them all the time,started out in Oakland,Ca. and finished in Norfolk,Va. when we got back to Indiana they were here too. Hunts please bring them back.
Mike Houston, TX Arkansas - February 26, 2012 - Report this comment
Only ate the skillet mexicana, even after a tortilla chip lodged in my braces. Ouch. Loved the spinach noodles and the light spice. Never did the hamburger helper or if we did, it was once. Hunts bring it back.
Rick Smith Polk City,FL - March 30, 2012 - Report this comment
I had just started my career at the telephone company, and of course not yet making any money! I survived on Hunts Skillet Dinners! There was not a single bad one. But as several have said, the Lasagna and Pizzeria were my favorites. And yes, I would love Hunt's to bring them back!!!
Arthurr - April 04, 2012 - Report this comment
Hunts/Wesson-- PLEASE bring them back!!!!
sheri - June 06, 2012 - Report this comment
I loved the lasagna. Recently I bought Hunt's traditional spaghetti sauce , some green and white fettichini noodles, and ricotta, cheese.
Jane C. - June 12, 2012 - Report this comment
Sheri - Were you able to re-create the taste? If so, please share your recipe. I have figured that this is what we are going to have to the recipes on our own.
George D - July 05, 2012 - Report this comment
I used to love Skillet Hawiian and the disappointment when Hunt stopped selling it was great. Its interesting that there aere so many people around who remember.
Kris - August 21, 2012 - Report this comment
I have dreams about the skillet lasagna. Loved the green noodles-the kicker was the good sauce, not the dessicated garbage from an envelope like that 'other' brand. Still missing it after all these years...
Linda - September 24, 2012 - Report this comment
We LOVED the Hunt's skillet lasagna...I've tried to duplicate the taste and it's just not the same! I would definitely buy it....perhaps we should FLOOD the hunt's site with requests.
Tammy Montanya - December 09, 2012 - Report this comment
Please bring back Skillet Hawaiian!
Diane - December 10, 2012 - Report this comment
Hunt's Skillet Lasagne was the best...!! Please bring it back... Hamburger Helper lasagne doesn't even touch the Hunt's...!!
Chris - December 14, 2012 - Report this comment
Must not forget Hunt's Skillet Oriental - it was my family's favorite - much, much better than the available skillet meals available. I vote bring them back!
Ingrid Pieper - February 24, 2013 - Report this comment
BRING EM BACK...the time is right!
Gale - February 28, 2013 - Report this comment
Loved the Barbeque with the corn bread. Soooooo good!!
Anna - May 27, 2013 - Report this comment
I can't believe I found this blog. Skillet Lasagne was a family favorite and I still fantasize about the taste of it - the green noodles and the ricotta topping. I thought I was the only one who remembered it. How I would LOVE to be able to eat some again ~ BUY it again! ~ MMMMmmmmm!!!!
Gail - August 06, 2013 - Report this comment
I agree with the comments from others about the Hunt's Skillet Lasagna from the 70's. That's exactly why I came on here to complain. You really need to bring it back. I have craved it for years and there is nothing else like it. When I was dating my boyfriend use to come to my house on his lunch break and always wanted the skillet lasagna. We both loved it and miss it. We had it at least 3 times a week. Can you please offer it again the exact same way?
Chris - August 10, 2013 - Report this comment
Loved the green and white noodles in the skillet lasagna. The sauce was Hunt's and that was why it was so goooood. Hamburger Helper tastes like glue compared to it-let's get a petition to bring it BACK!
Kathy - August 19, 2013 - Report this comment
I am 58 years old and i used to cook the hunt's dinners for my kids. I raised 6. I have never forgotten the skillet Mexicana. That's alot of years to remember a taste you really liked. That's exactly how i got to this site, lol. I was trying to remember what all was in it on my drive home from work,so when i got home, i had to try and find it. They were a "Good Thing" Everyone write to "Hunt's" and maybe they will do something. :)
richard - August 21, 2013 - Report this comment
i too loved the hunt's skillet dinners. as a freshman living off campus was a big deal and cooking something as delicious as pizzeria or lasagna made you feel like you had finally earned your independence and you could survive and live happily ever-after. Hunt's does definitely need to re-introduce them again
Dave - August 22, 2013 - Report this comment
Come on Hunts, bring 'em back! My mom cooked these very week. My favorite was Skillet Lasagna. We even used to cook them on Boy Scout camping trips, great recipe for dutch oven cooking over a campfire!
Tammy - September 10, 2013 - Report this comment
I loved these meals and think about them often. I also wish they would bring them back. I too lived off them in college and ate them on girl scout camp outs. I can't believe they didn't have a good following. Hamburger Helper sucks!
Dave N - October 21, 2013 - Report this comment
I remember these from the 70's. My mom and our neighbor across the street would hold up in the window which meal was being cooked. I remember we had alot of the Skillet Lasagna. It was so much better than hamburger helper, so bring it back HUNTS.
Julie - October 25, 2013 - Report this comment
Please bring these dinners back. I loved the mexican dinner!
Kathy - December 03, 2013 - Report this comment
Yes, the lasagna....Oh how I miss that. Our mom worked and this was something my brother and I could fix. The lasagna was our favorite. Yes Hunts....Bring them back.
Sheri - December 30, 2013 - Report this comment
I want them back the same as you. I even scoured the the internet and found the packages of the different dinners and wrote down the basic ingredients. But we have to be realistic. The bottom line is Hunts makes more money selling a box of powder and noodles. There are people out there that don't know anything different and will buy that crap because it is cheap. You will never find Hamburger Helper in my pantry!
Tonia - January 02, 2014 - Report this comment
O.M.G. I am so glad to know that my mom and I are not the only ones who can still crave this when we think about it.. Nothing else compares to it!! Had to put in my 2 cents on this website, Man, this made my day, but even more-so if it were to hit the market again. I'd go buy them out!! Maybe they did, and someone beat me to it!!! LOL...
Tonia - January 04, 2014 - Report this comment
Does anyone have a picture of the box that the Skillet Lasagna came in? My mind wanders back to when my mom was fixing it in the kitchen, in one of her cast iron skillets, and I can still smell, and taste it. O.M.G....
Tonia - January 04, 2014 - Report this comment
HEY EVERYONE, I wrote an email to the company who manages the Hunts products. If all of you do too, it might make a difference, don't know unless we try! Right? I also suggested that they check out this site to see how many people miss it, and would love to see it come back, so please do it!! (Con Agra Foods) email to: or call- 1-877-266-2472 Please (JUST DO IT..) Hunts Skillet Lasagna Lovers "UNITE".... LOL
Jimmy - January 30, 2014 - Report this comment
I remember eating the skillet lasagna & stroganoff quite a lot as a kid, along with tons of hamburger helper, TV dinners & kraft's mac & cheese. My mom a single, working woman (not too common back in the mid-70's) and we didn't have much money. My mom worked long hours so my older sister (just a kid herself) did all the cooking. I remember preferring the Hunt's over the hamburger helper, and especially over tuna helper, which still makes my stomach turn. They should bring these back. They were fulling and delicious.
Steve - April 20, 2014 - Report this comment
We also lived on this stuff, especially the lasagna, after we got married in 1972. It's the only thing I have ever grieved for this long. We still call it the "skillet lasagna effect" when any item we really like is removed from the market.
Dianna - April 21, 2014 - Report this comment
I absolutely loved the skillet Oriental. That was my fav. There is nothing even close to it out there on the market. Never tried the Lasagna but after reading all these comments, I sure would if you would bring them back!!!!
carol - May 15, 2014 - Report this comment
I remember these, my mom use to make them in the 70s. The Hunts skillet lasagna was the best, can still taste it, oh please bring it back hunts, I would be a steady customer for life, and no I am not joking.
Shirley Smith Bowyer - September 10, 2014 - Report this comment
I graduated from college in June, 1972 and was on my own for the first time. My first job was in Jackson, MS which was 225 miles away from home. I didn't know how to boil water, much less cook a meal for myself. But then I found Hunts Skillet Dinners. My best friend of 40 years and her son whom I met in Jackson in the apartment complex where I lived, came to visit me today and we began reliving "old-times." Her son remembered every time I invited them for a meal, I served Hunts Skillet Dinners Beef Stroganoff. It was my favorite, but I also liked the lasagna and others. Like many people on this website, I am still grieving over the loss of it. Hamburger Helper is not nearly as good. Surely the secret to the taste was in the sauce. I have tried just about every beef stroganoff boxed meal you can buy and NONE of them have ever come close to Hunts Skillet Dinners.
Lisa - September 29, 2014 - Report this comment
Does anyone remember if there was a chicken skillet dinner? There were two that I loved. One was the lasagna and the other was I thought a chicken dish.
terri christian - January 19, 2015 - Report this comment
Astrid - January 20, 2015 - Report this comment
Oh Yes! I remember a tomato pasta one. Watching the goodies, eating skillet dinner on a vey old orange coloured black and white telly. Was devastated when they took it off the market
Ray - August 05, 2015 - Report this comment
I remember a rotini skillet box meal that had sliced almonds and a chicken flavor base but not much else. Was that Hunts?
Beck - October 19, 2015 - Report this comment
The first thing I ever cooked was the Hunts chili and cornbread meal. I was only 10 and my parents would let me make it. So good, and so much better than hamburger helper or tuna helper. We never ate those.
rixhard - February 27, 2016 - Report this comment
i graduated collegein '72 and for 2 years my roommate and i lived off of Hunt's Skillet Dinners. i distinctly remember the Pizzeria as the one we made most often. i concur with all of you----- Hunt's, bring back those delicious one pan meals. GM and Dodge brought back replica's of 1940s cars and were successful, try it with our favorite Skillet Dinners.
Gail - March 07, 2016 - Report this comment
Why did hunts stop making these delicious meals? I have wondered for over 40 years.
Dangitbawb - November 03, 2016 - Report this comment
OMG how I loved the Mexicana and Lasagna dinners! I just sent an e-mail to ConAgra asking them to re-introduce the skillet dinners, here's what it said: Dear Conagra foods; I am writing to you in hopes of you bringing back the Skillet Dinners from the 1970's. They were sooo good, much better than anything we have on the market today. And I HATE Hamburger Helper. Your Mexicana skillet dinner is something I still crave 40 years later! There is even a website dedicated to bringing back your product: I have always thought Hunts products were superior to anything else. I ask that you please consider a re-entry into this market with those wonderful recipes from long ago, and let me know if I can be of any assistance! Warmest wishes; Bob Lann 254-421-1478
Tonia - January 09, 2017 - Report this comment
I am so glad to hear all these comments about the Skillet Lasagna, It was the bomb!! Yes it was topped with a ricotta mix that was put on the top by the spoonful, it was way better than Hamburger Helper, I hate that stuff. Why did they discontinue something that was way better. Wish they'd bring it back, just the way we remember! Way past due...
DeeB - February 13, 2017 - Report this comment
I recently went through my mom's drawer of cookbooks and found a small book for more ways to prepare the Skillet Dinners. Suddenly I remembered the great Skillet Lasagne, Hawaiian, Barbecue, Pizza and Stroganoff we would have all the time before leaving home in the early 80's. Lasagne was the best! In my teens I could get any of these meals ready before my parents came home of work. I didn't realize Hunt's discontinued the product; much better then HHelper. Hunt's needs to bring them back!
Becky Beckham - March 07, 2017 - Report this comment
Please bring back your skillet dinners. They were the best. Would love to have skillet lasagna for dinner tomorrow night.
PMac - April 13, 2017 - Report this comment
I lived on Skillet Lasagna in 1976....was a staple and we all (college kids) loved it. Please bring your Skillet Dinners back!! Please....
Nora - April 16, 2017 - Report this comment
In the 70's my roommate and I would impress potential boyfriends with our cooking skills by fixing Hunt's Skillet Lasagna. It was delicious! All we had to do was hide the box in the garbage can. (Hamburger helper - oh my gosh - isn't even close.) Please bring it back for a new generation of young women trying to impress. My husband asks occasionally about why I don't make my lasagna anymore. I told him I lost a great recipe. Sadly, that is true. BRING IT BACK! Please.
Licia M - July 15, 2017 - Report this comment
I agree Hunts should bring back the skillet dinners especially the skillet Mexicana and they should put the commercials on MeTV and all the television and the radio stations that play 60s and 70s programsGR
Rob Lambert - July 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Hunt Skillet Dinners began in 1974, and were in stores about three years. eBay actually has a few empty boxes for sale @ $11 each. These include Skillet Hawaiian, Barbecue and Lasagna (sorry, Licia, no Skillet Mexicana). These were from the old Hunt-Wesson company. Anyone seeking a return of these dishes should contact Con Agra Foods, which now carries Hunt products.
Larry - April 17, 2018 - Report this comment
Hunt's Skillet Lasagna was always a treat when I was living in college dorm and only had an electric skillet. Going into the skillet, it didn't look so good, but it was great when cooked. Really sorry it isn't around anymore.
Robbin Harrison - June 16, 2019 - Report this comment
Which one had the curly macaroni & slivered almonds? I loved that meal!!! I'd give $10 a box for that today.
ginj - June 16, 2019 - Report this comment
WhI was in junior high my mother didn't want me messing around in her kitchen. My best friend's parents both taught school and appreciated her having dinner ready when they came home. Many days spent whipping up skillet stroganoff and skillet lasagna.
Vince - July 14, 2019 - Report this comment
Our family LOVED the Hunts Skillet dinners!!!! Our favorites were the skillet lasagna and skillet stroganoff. Both dinners were weekly meals in our family. They were so simple to make and are some of the BEST tasting meals I have ever had!!! If I had the time I would start a petition to let HUNT/WESSON know that there is already a large consumer demand for their skillet dinners. This would be the best time ever to do this because of social media. PLEASE BRING THEM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gretchen - July 26, 2020 - Report this comment
My mouth waters reading these thoughts on Hunts Skillet Dinners. Oh yes. The lasagna was yummy. I’ve been particularly thinking of the Barbecue chicken that has corn bread “dollops” on top. I think we’d better get busy trying to recreate these with real foods. If you find a good copycat recipe for any of these, please share that here. And we all agree. Hamburger Helper was crap compared to these.
Sheri Ferguson - September 25, 2020 - Report this comment
Okay, fellow lover's of Hunt's Skillet Dinners, here is what I do for the Lasagna. Brown one pound of ground beef. Add to it, one can of Hunt's Herb Garlic spaghetti sauce.Add a little parmesean cheese to sauce. Add sugar to sweeten to what you remember and and add dried fennel(around a teaspoon). Plain and spinach noodles.( Green and white fettuccine.) Let simmer on low 20 minutes. I boil it separtely in another pan. For the white topping: Fresh Ricotta cheese in container. Add to it dried basil, a little oregano, and just a touch of garlic and salt. Place on top of noodles and sauce, like the package shows in four dollops! It will cure your craving! Now for the Barbeque one: I remember eating this one. Take Hunt's Barbeque sauce, plain or honey. I remember this one being quite sweet. Add to ground beef with Kidney bean added. Mix cornbread (not Jiffy)as sauce is already sweet. Dollop on top and simmer twenty minutes on low with lid on skillet. For skillet Hawaiian, find a sweet and sour sauce that tastes simular to what you remember, and a small amount of crushed pineapple to taste. Brown hamburger with chopped onion, green pepper, and a small amount of grated carrot and garlic and green peas (frozen) Add rice and simmer. Top with sliced almonds. I am obsessed with these. I am looking notes I have taken, including the ingredients, I strained my eyes for, off the packages on ebay. I with be posting some hints on making the other ones such as Oriental and Stroganoff and Mexicana. Enjoy!
Bev Hogue - January 08, 2021 - Report this comment
Our family loved the Iron Skillet Dinner. I have looked for recipes that would taste like this, but could never find one. Any ideas?
Barbara - July 15, 2021 - Report this comment
I was the original poster about these Hunt's dinners and am thrilled that so many others remember them so well.
Karen - July 27, 2022 - Report this comment
I think the only reason that Hamburger Helper made it and not Hunt's Skillet Dinners,is marketing. Hamburger Helper had that cute little Hand character.
Vicki Holder - August 14, 2022 - Report this comment
1970 my mom made Iron Skillet dinner from A box and it was delicious! Would love to know if it is still manufactured.
Nora - March 17, 2023 - Report this comment
My roommate and were attending college in the 70’s when we found Hunts Skillet dinners. The Lasagna was our favorite. Whenever we had dates over for dinner we made the Lasagna and passed it off that we had made it from scratch (hid the box in the garbage. It was a big hit. My husband of 48 years asks me why Lasagna doesn’t taste the same as when we were dating. I would give anything for those easy delicious meals from Hunts. I do not like Hamburger Helper. It is in no was comparable to Hunts. Please bring it back!
JP - September 26, 2023 - Report this comment
They were all good, but I too especially remember the skillet lasagna. Even after all these years, I still remember and crave them! So much better than any Hamburger Helper.
David Ferreira - March 21, 2024 - Report this comment
I too remember the Skillet Dinners from about 50 years ago. The lasagna was our favorite. My brothers and I still talk about it today. It had a very UNIQUE flavor that tasted better than regular homemade lasagna and very easy to cook! Nothing else comes close to that taste and there was NEVER ANY LEFTOVER!
HOLLY H KRISS - January 10, 2025 - Report this comment
PLEASE bring them back- have been missing them for years! My high school favorite was the lasagna with that wonderful blue cheese topping!!

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