Food of the Seventies, Gino's

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This was a national restuarant chain, very similiar to Burger King. It guess it couled not keep up with the competition as it went out of business in the late 70's. I will always remember the jingle. "So come on everybody, and let's rejoice- cuz Gino's gives you freedom of choice".
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Gino's from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Mike - January 29, 2008 - Report this comment
I remember them. They used to sell KFC.
Dee - April 03, 2008 - Report this comment
I remember when Gino's used to sell a "Hero Burger" which was a rectangular burger on a sub roll. My favorite was the Hero Burger with Cheese. Delicious...another tasty '70s treat.
ed k - April 15, 2008 - Report this comment
The best burger was the "Gino Giant". tasted great. Do You remember the name of the boy on the sign holding up the bucket of chicken?
Syl - November 19, 2008 - Report this comment
Talking about Gino's at work today and when thinking about the good ole days, yes, the Gino's Giant and the Gino's Hero Burger are engraved as part of the good ole days, good food to eat good memories to remember.
philly wil - December 28, 2008 - Report this comment
The ginos giant was much better the the big mac or the whopper in my opinion.
cjc - February 28, 2009 - Report this comment
I worked @ Gino's in the 70's. The best aapple pies - deep fried - the special was $1.29, the dinner was $1.79 and the thrift box was $3.99, the bucket was $6.99 and the bucket was $8.99. The Hero burger was not as good as the Gino Giant. The good old days... The store was in Ridley Twp Pa.
Rick Brown - March 09, 2009 - Report this comment
Your description couldn't be more wrong. While I do remember Gino's going downhill late in the 70's, they had over 300 locations at the time and were bought out by I believe Marriot who changed the restaurant to their stinking Roy Rogers with the horse meat roast beef. Gino's did not fold up, they sold out. And had the best burgers.
cracker - March 20, 2009 - Report this comment
The Gino's giant was absolutely better than the Big Mac. I remenber when they went out of business and I had my first Big Mac. What a let down. I am not a fast food junky, but I do remember going to Gino's on the way down to the Jersey shore. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end.
John - March 21, 2009 - Report this comment
they were bought up by Marriott International and turned into Roy Rogers What a shame
Robert Braddock - March 21, 2009 - Report this comment
I've worked for Ginos's in the 70's and was a manager in the following stores. Marlton, Berlin,Mt Ephraim, Vineland, Stratford, and Turnersville. The Big Mac was the best sandwich ever.
Vetta - July 15, 2009 - Report this comment
I grew up in Philly and we use to go to Gino's resturant all the time. I use to love the Hero hamburgers and vanilla milkshakes! It would good if they came back in business... just to mess up the competition! hahaha
Dawn - July 30, 2009 - Report this comment
I was just talking to my son and his girlfriend about the Gino's slogan - "Gino's is the place to go." Really loved the Gino's Giant until they came out with the Hero Burger. The Hero Burger, large fries and strawberry milkshake was my favorite meal everytime our family went to Gino's.
Debbie - August 24, 2009 - Report this comment
Boy oh Boy....I sure would love to have a Hero Burger or Gino Giant today! They were the best eva.
Susan - September 24, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember growing up, we didn't have much at all. Going to Gino's was an absolute treat and I remember with great pride being old enough to get a Gino Giant all for myself. Definitely tasted better than the Big Mac. I remember the store in Roxborough, PA, near the Domino Lane shopping center. Ah, good times!!
Bob - October 07, 2009 - Report this comment
There was a Gino's on McClean Blvd in baltimore just down the street from my elementary school. We were also treated to Gino's when our little leage team won the championship. I remember that $1 would feed you and you got change back.
PoppyKeith - October 10, 2009 - Report this comment
If you're a Gino's fan, go to facebook and search "Everybody Goes to Gino's" for BIG news.
ConnieKetch - October 22, 2009 - Report this comment
I am now forty-three and can still taste a Gino's Giant, what a memory. I always said if I hit the pick-6 I would find the owner and bring them back that was my best memory of hillside,NJ I now live in Durham, NC wish they were here so my daughter could taste what had in life so good.Love Gino's Forever....
TC - October 26, 2009 - Report this comment
Man, my mouth waters whenever i think about them GIno Giants and The Hero. Best burgers ever made, loved that square Hero with cheese and a shake. Those were the good ole days in baltimore.
RMP - October 28, 2009 - Report this comment
I used to always go to the Gino's on MacDade Blvd. in Ridley Twp. back in the 70's. The Gino Giant was the burger of choice. They really were the best and I miss Gino's a lot. The reason I found this site is we were talking about it last night and tonight we are making some homemade Gino Giant Burgers!! Wanted to see if I could find a picture or recipe. From what I remember the sauce was the right blend of Mayo and Ketchup (hey, it's homemade so we have to make do) on top of a double cheeseburger. I'll write back and let you know how they came out.
RMP - October 29, 2009 - Report this comment
Well, they didn't exactly come out the way I remember them, but they were still pretty good. Hardest part it trying to get the burgers that thin without falling apart. So the burgers puffed up a bit making them awkward in the bun. Would love to see Gino's make a comeback. They really were one of the best of their day.
PoppyKeith - November 19, 2009 - Report this comment
Follow the new Gino's on Twitter; GINOSBurgers, On Facebook search for Everybody Goes to Gino's and on the web google ginosgiant for BIG news!
Jules Kemenes - December 30, 2009 - Report this comment
I worked for Gino's at the Trevose Pa. restaurant through my junior and senior years. When I graduated high school and went to college Gino's helped support my education. Upon completing college I went in the management and had a total of 9 years with Gino's I'am currently very interested in getting more info about this historic come back. Gino's was my all time favorite place to work. I meet my wife at Gino's and we are still married for 31 years. If anyone want to reach me my email address is
ER - February 03, 2010 - Report this comment
I worked at Gino's in West Caldwell, NJ in the early/mid 70's. and love reminicing, reading the memories here. Question to those who also worked there - what did they sell to go with KFC? I don't recall potatoes, cole slaw or biscuits. (What did you get in the thrift box - just chicken??)
Marly - February 11, 2010 - Report this comment
This one makes me smile. We used to go to Gino's way more than we did any other fast food place. My all time favorite sandwich was the Hero which was way better than the Big Mac. When I was young, I had to have surgery around Christmas time. The anesthesia made me violently ill, and it was a while before I wanted food. The minute my appetite came back, I asked for a Hero and fries from Gino's. It was soooo good. Later, there were rumors of rat infestation and soon after that they closed Gino's down. Sometimes when I drive by the old place(it's a cleaners now) I get a little lump in my throat. I miss Arby's too and Arthur Treacher's but not as much as Gino's.
louis Pizzarelli - February 23, 2010 - Report this comment
I started working for gino,s from 1973 to 1979 at broad and snyder phila, pa. I have many old photos of the building patio counter mid section and the famous chicken room from cooking with the pressure pots and lids to the famous stste of the art collectramatics.What a great place it was to work and at only 1.50 an hour.Onfriday nights we made more giants than any other sandwich and at that time they were only 55 cents each.Our store was so busy all the time, the company enlarged our patio to occupy 200 people. Our store number was 04077.Our store was built in 1972 in the heart of south Philadelphia.Gino Marchetti came to see our store and was very impressed about how clean it was.I met a girl Diane there and married her in 1983. I am going to start sending my photos into the website soon. So many people are going to enjoy them very much,so stay tuned Ialso have the original menu board picture still hanging proudly on my garage wall and my limited edition license plate that i use to have on the front of my 1967 fairlane back in 1973.We all had some great relationships there and it wasn,t like going to work, We just had so much fun working there.Unfortunatly the store was torn down in 1993 and a wallgreens now rests on that great spot.I can't wait to send the pictures of all of us standing next to our clean stations at the end of the night.
Taz - February 24, 2010 - Report this comment
I do remember me and my family going to get the bucket of chicken along with the biscuits that were out of this world & the Gino Giant burgers. The Gino Giant was the tops & i remember saying that the bigmac was just to small and didnot tast anything like the Gino Giant. Somone needs to bring it back and hope they would make it the same.
DeePee - March 04, 2010 - Report this comment
I remember a Gino's in Levittown PA Near the Oxford Valley Mall. Does anyone remember where that was exactly?
Philip - April 15, 2010 - Report this comment
The Gino's your'e talking about was in LANGHORNE and is currently a MickeyD's (ugh) and yes Gino's is coming back, but this time they will be more like Five Guys Burgers than McD's or your other Garden variety fast food joint
Lauri - May 14, 2010 - Report this comment
Gino Giants were EVERYBODY's favorite here at the jersey shore...I was in a car accident in 76, had both legs in casts and was on demerol for the pain, couldn't keep ANYTHING down, til my mother sneaked me a gino giant (which the girl double wrapped for the trip..LOL)....that wqs my first solid food in a week and I kept EVERY bite happy to hear Gino's are making a comeback, hope they eventually include the ocean or monmouth county areas of the jersey shore.....we'll make it worth the while, I'm sure...WELCOME BACK...(even if I have to take a road trip on occasion.....
Kelly - June 03, 2010 - Report this comment
I work at at Giant and today a gentalman came into our store and left his business card from stating Gino's was comming back! Greg our cashier could not stop talking about Gino Giants to every customer. As for myself,I can remember walking a mile every day for a Gino Giant. We are telling alot of customers about the comeback. Love it.
Eric - July 19, 2010 - Report this comment
I used to love the Gino's Hero, as mentioned earlier. I was just old enough to have a taste, before Gino's demise. One of the trinkets my father got for us was a red kite with the Gino's logo. Great to hear it's attempting a comeback, I will surely seek it out!
Ken S - July 27, 2010 - Report this comment
Managed Gino's KFC takeout stores in North Jersey from '69 to '74. Elizabeth (2 locations), Union, Westfield, Newark, Highland Park, and North Brunswick. The sirloiner was a great burger. As was the Gino Giant. The biscuits were from a vender in Philly called Virnelsson's and they were better than the "made from scratch" ones sold at KFC today. The menu was simple. Snack box, 2 pcs, slaw and a biscuit was $.90. Dinner was 3 pcs, mash and gravy and a biscuit for $1.30. Thrift box was just 9 pcs for $2.80. Bucket was 15 pcs, 6 biscuits and a pint of gravy for $4.60. And a barrel was 21 pcs for $5.90. Individual sides of cole slaw, potato salad or mash and gravy were $.15. Pints were a half-dollar, pints of gravy, $.30.
dino parlapiano - August 20, 2010 - Report this comment
we still talk about the gino giant it was at cottman toresdale in phila love the special sause ther was carboard around the giant we would lick the sause on the carboard can not wait its about time love them gino giants
Bob Goose - August 22, 2010 - Report this comment
The best fast food sandwich of ALL TIME was indeed the Gino Giant. I remember the day our Gino's in Pennsauken, NJ. closed up...a sad day! Aside from the great food Gino's also had the BEST collectibles...does anyone remember the NFL helmets that had their own cardboard display case?!? LOL, great stuff!
BetsyAnn - September 13, 2010 - Report this comment
I am one of 7 kids and all 7 of us worked at Gino's, in Lancaster, PA. As soon as we turned 16, we applied and were hired. Gino's helped most of us go to college. I always thought the Giant's special sauce was like 1000 Island dressing
Joni - September 20, 2010 - Report this comment
My two sisters and I worked for Gino's in Haledon, NJ. back in the mid to late 70's. To this day I have great memories of working there. Yes....the Gino Giant was the best with it's "thousand Island" special sauce. To this day, I still have the "beer" mugs that they gave as a promotion. lol. KFC was much better at Gino's then it is today. Would love to see a comeback!
PoppyKeith - October 12, 2010 - Report this comment
The new Gino's opens on October 25, 2010 at 611 West DeKalb Pike, King of Prussia PA.
KDM - October 26, 2010 - Report this comment
Gino's gives you freedom of choice, Gino's give you freedom of choice, so come on everybody and let's rejoice (hey) cuz, Gino's gives you freedom of choice...Love it!
Jim - October 26, 2010 - Report this comment
1100 AM 10/26/10. Had my 1st Gino's Giant since 1982! Even better than I remember. The staff at 611 W DeKalb Pike is great and new locations are coming
Steve J. - November 04, 2010 - Report this comment
I was the chicken man in the 70s at Ginos in Oaklyn, NJ, and Ocean City, NJ. Met my wife -- a "counter girl" -- at the Ocean City Ginos. What a great place to work, nice people, we were really a team. And the food was the best, except the french fries. We used to call the giant sauce "gooby sauce". We cooked the chicken in real pots. The burns on our arms were badges of honor.
sal aiello - November 08, 2010 - Report this comment
Iworked for ginos/roys for 20 years my last gig with them was agsm at 69th and marshall upper darby I will only remember the GOOD!!!!
Jim P. - November 14, 2010 - Report this comment
Good luck to the new incarnation of Ginos. In addition to the stores in the Mid-Atlantic states, there were stores in Southern Calif.,The Bronx, New Haven & Boston. Those stores had Ginos Golden Fried Chicken, not Kentucky Fried Chicken.
kenny s - November 18, 2010 - Report this comment
ginos rockville pike in md was incredible!! ginos giant...fixins bar, spinning big ginos sign outside...nothin better....ginos give u freedom of choice, so cmon everybody and lets rejoice
Mike A. - December 11, 2010 - Report this comment
Remember the Gino's on Lancaster Ave. in Ardmore in the 1970's? Great place, great menu.
David Wayne - January 16, 2011 - Report this comment
Gino's gives you freedom of choice Gino's gives you freedom of choice So come on, everybody, and let's rejoice Cuz Gino's gives you freedom of choice We've got great big Hero Burgers You know they can't be beaten They're fresh and made to order Just beggin' to be eaten With lettuce and tomato And lots of real great sauce Anyway you want it You are the boss Gino's makes 'em fresh for you Kentucky Fried Chicken, too So come on, everybody Won't you try us? Gino's gives you freedom of choice Gino's gives you freedom of choice So come on, everybody, and let's rejoice Cuz Gino's gives you freedom of choice
jose alicea - January 26, 2011 - Report this comment
Ginos in Hackensack NJ on Hackensack ave right next to Bergen Tech!! Wow!! that brings back memories !! Delicious!! Who remembers the burgers came with a paper band around the it? I believe it was the kids burger and that they sold KFC chicken and that was the real recipe! the chicken recipe was better who would argue this point! ROAD TRIP TO KING OF PRUSSIA ON MY B DAY!!!!
margie - March 22, 2011 - Report this comment
i worked at gino's on th eb;vd in philly through my high school years from 1975through 1979 also worked there after high school ! its where i met my husband!!! i worked one of the company's first drive through windows and was one of the first girl to cook the chicken our managers were the best mike paoella and jimmy rivers to name a few!!! and my mom was a manager also great times great food and great people life time of memories and friend ships forged there and the food was good also!!!
Ivalyn "Tee" - July 07, 2011 - Report this comment
Gino's was my first job!!!!! I worked at the Security Blvd location in High School.
Jeff M - July 27, 2011 - Report this comment
Worked at Gino's from 74 to 77 in Harrisburg PA 29th St. Some of the Best memories ever in the early years, until they changed the menu to hero burgers. I did everything from Chicken to the Counter. My dad was a manager and mom worked the counter too... For you folks that are a little lost here's their new web sight with the history and latest news I sure so want to take a trip to King of Prussia right now. "Everybody Goes to Gino's, Because Gino's is the Place to Go! Everybody Goes to Gino's, Everybody in the Know"!!
JOSE A ROSA - August 09, 2011 - Report this comment
i was staioned at mcguire afb in wrightstown nj back in 1970's. i remember when i had my 1st heroburger (best hamburger i had ever eaten) too bad they vanished. now that they are on the comback i hope gino's puts them back on their menu. in the meantime thanks for jackson hole burgers but can't wait and hope the heroburger re-appeaars
Joe - August 13, 2011 - Report this comment
there were three store's in the Trenton Nj area. Hope they come back to the area
Glenn K. - August 27, 2011 - Report this comment
I remember early on when Gino's decided to enclose the patios and needed furniture for the customers. My family was in that business and a Gino's vendor. On evening our phone rang and my young brother answered to find Gino Marchetti calling for our dad. He was jumping up and down with joy. We worked with Gino's throughout their history until they were taken over by Marriott. Over time I had a family of my own and always had our kids birthday parties at Gino's in Ardmore. What a great bunch of people. It seamed that everyone who worked there enjoyed themselves. Their Giant was the BEST and non better than their hand cut fries. Welcome Back!!!
Debsedoo - August 29, 2011 - Report this comment
Gino's Hero burger was worth skipping school for.. :) Suitland Maryland Rocks!
Kelly - August 30, 2011 - Report this comment
We had a Gino's in Falls Church, VA... man that Gino Giant was WAAAYYYYY better than a Big Mac! I want one now! And after seeing the website, I do recall that they also sold KFC. (but the only thing I ever ordered was the Gino Giant and the Hero Burger)
mueslix - September 05, 2011 - Report this comment
What was the nameof the Fish Sandwich they had - it wasn't populat but they needed a fish sandwich to match the Whaler at BK and the Filet of Fish at McD's
John F - September 19, 2011 - Report this comment
Hey Mike A! I worked at the Gino's in Ardmore while I was in college from 77 to 81. Are you from the area Great memories.
John F. - September 19, 2011 - Report this comment
Hey Sal A! You hired me at the Ardmore branch in June 1977. I worked there while I was in college from 77 to early 1981. I heard Tom Butler passed away from a heart attack a few years back. I was sorry to hear that. I hope you're doing OK. I work for Home Depot now. I still live in Ardmore.
Richard McEwen - October 13, 2011 - Report this comment
I worked at a Rest. next door to the on on DeKalb Pike in KOP ate more GINOS the my one food. ate 2 times the week a street Rd good luck
Steve - October 24, 2011 - Report this comment
I remember going to Gino's and eating the Jr. Giant burgers. The food was great. Just went to Bensalem store twice already. I was disappointed the milk shake machine was down. I was looking forward to a old fashion milkshake. Also, I don't like 5 Guys and I am getting so tired of the other chain restaurants. Welcome Back Gino's! You were sorely missed.
pete reitano - October 27, 2011 - Report this comment
congrats ginos for coming back i live i soth philly you guys were the best i remember two locations 27th and snyder (we used to leave school at bishop neumann for lunch) and 20th and penrose i remember i ate my food and i was still hungrey so i told my girlfreind some disgusting story so she would give up her food and she did and of course i enjoyed it but were not together anymore lol i guess i have to drive to bensalem
Mike Jurgelewicz - November 07, 2011 - Report this comment
I worked at the gino's in Quakertown pa. in 1981 and 1982..I remember deep frying everything we could think of in the kfc cookers...I remeber they were one of the first chains to do the salad bar as well.
Jane - November 18, 2011 - Report this comment
Went to the new Gino's in Towson, MD last night and couldn't wait to get my Gino Giant. Big disappointment, the burger patties are huge, too much meat and cheese, and very little of the original Gino's sauce. Tasted alot like a Five Guys burger. Guess it was too good to be true. :(
Mark - January 20, 2012 - Report this comment
mueslix, I can't remember the name of the fish sandwich either, but I do remember David Brenner doing the commercial where he compared Gino's fish sandwich to McDonald's. He ended the commercial with "Square Fish???"
Sir Loiner - January 26, 2012 - Report this comment
Jane, Get a Jr Giant and as for extra sauce. Rarely do people complain about getting too much.
Hauntedheadful - June 04, 2012 - Report this comment
"Crispyfish"was the name and it was a pretty late entry to the menu.Anybody remember Gino the Genie with the big hamburger on his head? I used to imitate him by putting our living room beanbag chair on my head.Ah the 70's!I sure could go for a Sirloiner right now...
Ken trovinger - June 09, 2012 - Report this comment
I work at the Gino's at Wilkins avenue across from the laudonparkcemetery.(baltimore,maryland) Work in the back cooking the KFC chicken for 9 months, work the fries the old fashion way if you know what I mean. Then work the burgers,fries and orders of chicken. Then what we call working the window.(cashier). also I was Mr.Sparkel the clean up guy in laymens terms. Now the building is still there selling KFC and taco bell. Oh! What memories 1969-1970. THANKS GINO love you man !!!
Paul S. - June 12, 2012 - Report this comment
You have to try the new Gino's on 202 across from King of Prussia Mall, Burgers as good 5 Guys!!
Iranae Wolfgram Austin - June 30, 2012 - Report this comment
I worked at the the on Frederick Road and 6333 Baltimore National Pike in Maryland. Subbed at St Agnes Lane one twice. The 2nd time they took away the Giant, I had customers walk out and say they were going to MCDonalds for a big mac. Only a folish company takes away their number one product.
jeffsarcade - August 14, 2012 - Report this comment
I actualy have a Gino the Genie hat found years ago at a flea the Giant! Big Mac copied them BIG BOY was the original there was also the Big Shef & BKs Big King hope they come back to jersey like the new concept still great
Colin Rowe - November 05, 2012 - Report this comment
I worked at Gino's on the Atlantic City Boardwalk in the summer of 1971 with my buddy Ian,both from England.Does anyone remember us ? If so,please tell me how to contact you.Ian lives in San Francisco and I live in Toronto,Canada.
Eric Wahl - February 07, 2013 - Report this comment
I remember the commercial fro 1980 where Gino's finally got roast beef. It went through the decades and they had two hippies from the 60's holding flowers. One hippie says Gino's doesn't have roast beef. He then hold the flower out and says "it's okay"
Gale - February 28, 2013 - Report this comment
Loved the Gino's burgers. They had mustard and ketchup, which made them much better. I used to ride my bike to the Gino's on Route 4 in Fair Lawn.
Tom - March 20, 2013 - Report this comment
I worked at the Gino's on the boardwalk in Wildwood New Jersey. Gino's hamburgers the Giant and the Sirloin kicked McDonalds ass! We sold food like no tomorrow. What did Gino's in? They did away with the Giant and the Sirloin and created the "Hero". Sales plummeted! And management was too proud to admit they made a mistake. I use to make a monster version of the Giant using the Sirloin. Just fun fact, the McDonalds Quarter Pounder? Was a rip off of the Gino's Sirloin!
Robert - April 09, 2013 - Report this comment
I still have my Booby Clarke hockey stick pen.
Kelly V - June 09, 2013 - Report this comment
I worked at the one at the Garden State Plaza in New Jersey. I made a lot of friends and had a lot of fun working there. I miss the good ol days.
Tim Robinson - September 10, 2013 - Report this comment
I was in the Navy at Warminster, Pa. I used to go the the Gino's in Horsham, Pa. on Hwy 611. Sometimes I would have a Hero burger for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Went there so often they would start making my food as I pulled into the parking lot in my canary yellow VW Beetle. Great burger!
Dave - September 27, 2013 - Report this comment
Anyone remember a pasta sauce called Gino's that came in a odd shaped jar with a lid you had to pry off?I loved this sauce...
Daniel R. - November 12, 2013 - Report this comment
There was a Ginos's on Naylor rd. in Washington DC, I would always get the Hero burger
jay mason - January 24, 2014 - Report this comment
Dam!!the gino's giant and the hero burger nothing comes close to it sad day when they close shop,harrisburg,pa. Uptown that is best time!!!!!
JMG - February 10, 2014 - Report this comment
I believe there was one on Nottingham way in Trenton NJ. It's a Popeye's now. Dad would get chicken, kids would get burgers.... No chicken at McDs...
Bill Hale - April 29, 2014 - Report this comment
My dad managed quite a few Gino's in the 70,s from Oakland NJ, too My Holly NJ, Too Cinnaminson, Levittown PA ie Tullytown,,I still have the Clock they gave him when he left after 10 years, my Dads name was Don Hale, didnt the Gino's when they changed too the homestyle Hamburgers, did they make a cheese steak? or similar lol I found a picture with me , my brother and sister along side the Gino Giant,,who if my memory is correct, wa splayed by Dom Deluise
Bill Hale - April 29, 2014 - Report this comment
Steve J, did you work with my dad in oakland NJ???? DON Hale,,,my dad passed away from Cancer in 2008. send me a email at , put Gino,s in subject....
Dawn - July 11, 2014 - Report this comment
Gino's opened back up in 2013 in it;s original spot on Ritchie Highway in Glen Burnie Maryland and doing wonderful!!! If you miss the Gino Giant come to Glen Burnie Maryland!!!
clark - July 17, 2014 - Report this comment
I remember going to Gino's with my dad when I was kid. I distinctively remember a burger that I think was called the Sirloiner (I'm not sure on the name). I remember it because it was wrapped in clear thick cellophane and you could see the grease and cheese sticking to it. I read most of the post here and haven't seen any mention of it. Did Gino's serve such a burger (maybe near the end if their run)? ALSO, went to the beach last weekend and almost wrecked my car when I saw the Gino's sign in Glen Burnie, MD. I stopped and had a Gino's Giant and onion rings..DELICIOUS. I will be making a road trip (hopefully with my dad) very soon!
robert anderson - July 24, 2014 - Report this comment
i PRAYED to the sirloiner!! it was the JESUS of any hamburger, before or since!!
rh anderson - November 09, 2014 - Report this comment
Ginger - January 06, 2015 - Report this comment
I grew up in Harrisburg and we always called KFC "Gino's". The one we went to was I think on 7th or 8th St, somewhere near the Farm Show. It was across from a strip mall.
Lori - January 09, 2015 - Report this comment
Anyone remember Gino's in Frederick, Md (on 40) having a play area out back?? Having a discussion about it and some say no, it didn't. I'm sure it did!
Cindy - January 26, 2015 - Report this comment
I worked at the Willow Grove Ginos (next to the Wintersport Skating Rink) in 73, and 74, then in the Ocean City Boardwalk store the summers of 74 and 75 and in the Flourtown PA store in 75. I was the first female in the company to learn how to cook KFC! (back then it was a "guy" job). Never let on how hard it was to lift those stupid pots, or how scared I was when I had to release the pressure valves and all that steam shot our of the pots. :-) Loved making "grilled cheese" using the burger buns "backwards" and making "donuts" in the deep fryers. Also loved handling the kids birthday parties. Goods times/great first job!
frankie R. - February 05, 2015 - Report this comment
Does abd one remember the sweet rolls that came with the chicken bucket.
Donnamarie cassetta - February 13, 2015 - Report this comment
I still have my Gino's red uniform, and hero's button!! Worked at Manor Park Gino's lolQ
Don - February 25, 2015 - Report this comment
Cindy you are correct. The Gino's in Frederick Md on 40 did have a play area.
frankred - May 03, 2015 - Report this comment
I lived in Trenton NJ from 1966-78. There was a Ginos 6 blocks from us on S Broad St. What I liked about them if you did not want the chicken you could get a delicious Giant or hamburger. The shakes were good as well. The KFC chicken was so much better. The Dinner contained 3 pieces of chicken a roll and fries a special contained 2 pieces of chicken and fries. I have not ate KFC chicken in over 20 years. It gave me a bad reaction. It was superior back in the 1970s. I miss the old establishments the old neighborhood and being a kid.
Jim K - May 05, 2015 - Report this comment
The Gino's in Clark NJ was my main source of food in my late teens and early twenties. There has never been a burger that I recal to be as consistent and delicious as the cheese sirloiner.... My favorite meal was a couple of cheese sirloiners with added Giant sauce smeared on the buns. Awesome!!! Many years have passed by, and I still miss that incredible burger. Marriot picked the wrong brand to keep..
art - June 08, 2015 - Report this comment
still have my ginos bow tie. worked at mercerville nj location in 65
Andrew - September 14, 2015 - Report this comment
My sister worked at Gino's on rt 22 in NJ. When she would come home after work in her Gino uniform I would yell "GINO" ! This was back in 1969. I still call her Gino to this day
Mike - November 11, 2015 - Report this comment
There was a Ginos/KFC in Cinnaminson on Rt 130. I remember the sign out front had the rockets on top next to the Colonel...The Ginos was built next to a horse farm which you could go over to the fence and feed the horses. My favorite was the 1/4 lb Cheese Sirloiner and the Hero Burger. Ahh the days gone by.
Mike - November 11, 2015 - Report this comment
Im going to go out on limb here, but Im PRETTY SURE, that near the end, they brought out their own version of a cheesesteak. And here is why I think that...Living near Philly, I always somehow thought growing up, that Ginos (fast food) somehow was associated with Ginos Steaks in Philly...And I sort of remember that they sold cheesesteaks there, before they went belly up....(However, I could be wrong) I do realize that there was never any association
Santo - November 15, 2015 - Report this comment
I couldn't have been more eight years old. We were walking past Gino's on Bergenline Ave where a homeless man asked us for money. My father, without hesitation, walked him inside and bought him dinner. What a lesson! That was 40+ years ago and favorite memory of Gino's.
frankred - November 18, 2015 - Report this comment
Ginos was the greatest I liked them better than McDonalds. The food was superior and the shakes were good as well. The day of Nov 28 1976 I got my bike stolen right in front of the Trenton S. Broad Street store.
Christine - December 30, 2015 - Report this comment
I worked at the Wrightstown, NJ Gino's in 1979. Two great managers, but I can't remember names except Tony from Vineland. We had a softball team the other guy coached. Anyone remember their names?
rh anderson - February 04, 2016 - Report this comment
the gino's sirloiner was NOT a "good hamburger", it was a GREAT hamburger!!, and the 'jesus' of ALL hamburgers!!, anywhere, EVER!!
kerry k - March 05, 2016 - Report this comment
Worked for ginos when Marriott bought them out love the business now own and operate 5 Bojangles restaurants in girginuw
Jim P. - May 07, 2016 - Report this comment
In the summer of 1968 I recall going to Gino's on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. It was across from the Million Dollar Pier where Caesar's is now located. I remember a family from the Midwest walking in. One of the parents said "This is like McDonald's." I told them "Yes, but you can also get fried chicken here." I think they liked it.
Tina N - June 01, 2016 - Report this comment
Reading Pa store in the 70's. No better burger than the sirloiner and hero.
Steve G - June 20, 2016 - Report this comment
Worked at the Gino's on Rt 40 at St Agnes Lane from early '72 until late '73, then transferred to the Security Blvd store until I graduated HS in June '74. Worked with a great crew who all hung out together. Wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
Tony M - August 25, 2016 - Report this comment
I worked at Gino's Roxborough (04-032) during the Summer of '69, Burgers were .20, ch burgers .25 Dinner $1.25, Thrift Box $2.45, Bucket $3.15 & Barrel @ $4.45. I also worked at several others, including Gino's Conshohocken (04-004) - where I use to squeeze the roof after a rain storm. 54th & City Ave was my last stop before heading out to Southern CA in the late 70's. I've worked with quite a few terrific people. I've enjoyed this forum and refreshing great memories of my youth.
Lois M - September 03, 2016 - Report this comment
The Gino's in Aberdeen, MD opened in Fall of 1965, I think. Anyhow, doesn't anyone remember the KFC chicken coming in the red plastic bucket with the white handle? We had quite a few of them that I used for cleaning and soaking. Problem was, as my 3 boys grew older, they started disappearing into their car trunks. I finally threatened them not to take them all. They left me 2, which also disappeared after grandsons.
Linda C - February 06, 2017 - Report this comment
I was hired by the Gino's in Auburn, MA on my 16th birthday in 1971! What a GREAT PLACE TO WORK! The "bosses"/managers and even our district manager was great! Gino's had the best fast food! The Gino Giant was similar to a Big Mac but oh, the sauce so much better! They had a Jumbo Gino which was like a Burger King Whopper. They had "Sirloiners" which were like McD's 1/4 pounders. And they had (KFC) fried chicken! Some of my best memories were made working in that store!
LJ - March 29, 2017 - Report this comment
The sirloiner was the best! Unfortunately I moved to the deep so they didnt even have Genos or Philly cheesesteaks, much to my dismay but when I moved back Roy's was here and the bacon cheese burger was best but will never be what Genos was, and the new ones should use the old game plan which seemed to work.
Joe - July 15, 2017 - Report this comment
Christine I confess I took your bike
Mark H. - November 23, 2017 - Report this comment
I did a short couple month employment at the Frederick Road in Catonsville location around 1968 and liked to visit the Route 40 @ Giepe Road location around 1970 taking lunch breaks working at a nearby Citgo gas station. We used to get a Giant,a cheeseburger, and a small french fry order for a dollar even then we were full the rest of the afternoon until dinner, great food and a cheap meal back then!!!
Barry - December 28, 2017 - Report this comment
I worked at Ginos in Hackensack NJ back in the 70's while in High school , get place to work , I remember the managers name was Wally
Paul - January 02, 2018 - Report this comment
I worked in the Gino’s at Horsham 76-77. I cooked a lot of KFC in big pots of lard, wow, was that good stuff, right out of the fryer. I made the huge amount of 2.50 an hour, I even got a 5cent raise, after being there for 1 year. Hard work, but I had fun. All the fried food you could eat, just had to pay extra for the milkshakes. Even met a nice lady named Kathy, she worked the front. Not many girls were allowed in the back. Worst jobs. Cleaning the grease traps, and the chicken blood out of the coolers.
Ron - January 13, 2018 - Report this comment
Worked for Gino's on rt 22 union nj during 72-73. store was on the median. cooked a lot of chicken! Also did a lot of other jobs. Store was a manager training store - trained a lot of new managers during this time. Got a lot of busses 5 minutes to closing and served everyone of them even though it ment staying a few more hours. Marriott has wrecked every resturant they have touched.
Bob - January 18, 2018 - Report this comment
I had the pleasure of working at the Towson, MD Ginos in the early seventies before I shipped off into the Coast Guard. Working at Gino's was a good time my life. I met a lot of friendly people during that time. To answer Linda Cs question yes Gino's did supply a bucket of chicken in a red pail with a white handle. These buckets appeared on the market for special promotions. Does anyone remember the open center frisbee. They fly extremely far in one toss. I still have one for keeping the good memories.
Art S - January 19, 2018 - Report this comment
My first real job was at the Gino's in Havertown, PA in 1977. I also worked summer of '78 in Ocean City. Great friends. Good times. Numerous misdeeds. Gotta say, though, that the Gino Giant (eventually) turned me into a vegetarian.
Rick - May 12, 2018 - Report this comment
I never worked for Gino's, but father did at their main office. I remember Lou Fischer and Alan Ameche. They truly believed in providing a quality product at a reasonable price. I'm hoping the 'new' Gino's finds success. Did anyone here go to any of the company picnics they held once a year? They are one of my favorite childhood memories.
rh anderson - May 16, 2018 - Report this comment
the "homestyle" hamburger that replaced the MAGNIFICENT, GLORIOUS sirloiner, was a TURD ON A ROLL !!
Gino's '79 - June 19, 2018 - Report this comment
I worked at the Marlton, NJ Gino's from 1979 until the day it closed in September of 1982. Most fun job I ever had with the greatest of co-workers and friends! We did indeed serve a Cheesesteak Sandwich and I grilled many of them for customers. I'm thinking maybe around 1980 or so. We also has the best roast beef sandwiches and they were sliced from real, baked beef that we put in the oven each day. I know because I did that but could not slice them until I was 18 I think; I know at 16, I could not use the slicer! LOL. The Homestyle burgers were pressed each day from a machine, laid on a wax sheet of paper and then refrigerated. They were fresh and I liked them. We started serving breakfast around 1980 or 1981! We had to be there by 6 a.m. or so and the first day of breakfast, I was scheduled. I swore to my colleagues that I would be there first thing and that I was an early riser (yeah, at 17)...of course, I was the only one late that had to receive a phone call from the manager. If any of you worked at the Marlton, NJ store, please leave comments or memories. Gosh, it would be so great to re-connect after 40 years. Never be a place like it, ever again.
Rolando R. - June 24, 2018 - Report this comment
The Gino Giant in my opinion was better than the Big Mac and Whopper. I was hoping to see if anyone out there can help me with something. I found a complete set of plastic mini NFL helmets that I’ve had since the 70’s. I know they were purchased from a fast food chain, and believe it was Gino’s. Can anyone confirm that? Thank you.
Dan Fabrizio - July 15, 2018 - Report this comment
I worked at a Gino's in Newark NJ in 1969 and 1970. I am looking for the manager of the store at that time, Herb Gardner. He literally saved my life and I would like to contact him if possible. He was an amazing man, and I never felt he was recognized for his bravery.
Rob Lambert - August 05, 2018 - Report this comment
The Gino's hamburger chain started in suburban Baltimore, 1957. The East had Gino's, while the Midwest had Henry's, Burger Chef and Sandy's. Came across several commercials, including a radio spot from WFIL (yep, the birthstone of "American Bandstand"), 1965. Also, a TV spot with Soupy Sales (1966), playing Betsy Ross and Paul Revere. KFC was among the products shown, and Gino's may have been a direct sponsor of his syndicated kid show. Gino's had over 325 stores when the Marriott takeover happened. Also, Gino's owned the Rustler Steakhouse chain prior to 1982. Looking through some print ads, it appeared that Gino's chain came short of reaching the Ohio Valley, despite interest expressed by cities like Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit and Indianapolis (home of Burger Chef). Gino's was yet another example of a respectable, regional food chain ruined by Big Brother.
Bob L - November 27, 2018 - Report this comment
I used to frequent Gino's in Clark, NJ in the later 60s-early 70s. It was the best of the fast-food burgers. The sauce was special. They would wrap the burger in a kind of cellophane sheet, & I recall licking every last bit of the sauce from it.
Brian - April 30, 2019 - Report this comment
RIP Gino Marchetti
Steve Young - April 30, 2019 - Report this comment
The Gino's on Rt.13 in Levittown, PA. had a beautiful neon sign in Colts blue and white. The location was opposite the Levittown mall and Towne theater.
Mark lucas - April 30, 2019 - Report this comment
We had a gino’s In Langhorne. As a kid I loved it! I remember the Gino giant.
Kevin - April 30, 2019 - Report this comment
As a five year old in 1976, I was separated from my family on the Ocean City boardwalk. Ultimately I was found at the Gino’s around 10th St. eating french fries with another family - it is a vague memory but I would always pass Gino’s with a fondness. I remember the Gino giant being my favorite sandwich but do not remember what was on it other than the sauce that is similar to Thousand Island dressing. Any help?
Bean - January 01, 2020 - Report this comment
Seems like a lot of folks remember from NJ and PA. I remember going to one as a kid to pick up dinner after one of my many activities in Harrisburg PA. I miss that place!
Jim - December 23, 2020 - Report this comment
I love Ginos… We went to the one on Main Street in Jeffersonville… Great hamburgers french fries and the shakes were amazing… And the KFC chicken seem to taste better at Gino’s as well… I can’t remember if they used white or yellow American cheese… I don’t think I really got cheese on my burger is back then.
Karen P - March 19, 2021 - Report this comment
I worked at Gino’s in the 70’s while in high school, it was the best place to work. Good food, customers and co-workers. To replicate the giant sauce try Mayo, ketchup, relish & spices - garlic, salt, pepper to taste. For their meal, Workers would pull chicken meat off bones and grilling it with ketchup & mustard, or with giant sauce. Never thought then I would ever say “Those were the days”, wish they would come back.
Karen P - March 19, 2021 - Report this comment
Forgot to say I worked at the Gino’s in Randallstown, MD
Rob - January 01, 2022 - Report this comment
Hands down best burger joint. I remember going with my parents to the Towson, MD Gino’s. A burger was $.22. I just found this page while looking for the Gino Giant sauce recipe. Great posts bringing back lots of memories. Also was a big Colts fan as a kid during that time. Gino played for them til ‘66. Anyone remember the airplane that crashed into the stands in Memorial Stadium? I was there. Thankfully no one was injured. Fans left early cause we weren’t doing so well.
Gerry G - January 12, 2022 - Report this comment
I came to this country in 72 and lived in new jersey my entire life. I remember my uncle would take my cousin and i took Ginos on saturday every other weekend it was the best time of my childhood. The Gino giant was way better than The big mac. I remember opening the plastic film wrapping and it would be a thin paper wrapping around the burger. I would lick that paper that had the sauce and some melted cheese too. Sorry Mc donalds but you could not compete with Ginos. My uncle would ask my cousin and me , { Ginos or Mc donalds? And we would shout Ginos!!!!!} miss my uncle miss Ginos. Good okd memories!!!!
Neil - February 11, 2022 - Report this comment
I worked for Gino’s Kentucky Fried Chicken in the late 60’s in Highland Park NJ. It was my first job and enjoyed working there. I own a 45 rpm record of the Gino’s theme commercials. I also own an original plastic bucket that was a special item.
Barb - April 07, 2022 - Report this comment
Has anyone ever been to the Gino’s in Lester PA near the Philly airport? Gino Giants are the best I also remember when they introduced the cheesesteaks very good
Stu - August 14, 2023 - Report this comment
Gino's Heroburgers……. Route 309 in Montgomerville, Pa.
Kanell - March 19, 2024 - Report this comment
First job, 15 1/2 in 1971 Lancaster, PA. Loved it! Manager named Vince, great boss, and favorite co-worker MC! :) We were allowed to cook our own custom burgers on break and the deep-fried apple pies were killer!
Bob M - October 07, 2024 - Report this comment
A great hangout for the ALJ HS crowd and the best burgers around (sorry White Diamond). To the gorgeous young lady from Scotch Plains who took a ride in my white ‘66 MGB one summer night in ‘74, sorry I lost your number. Hope you had a great life.
Bob - January 16, 2025 - Report this comment
Was there a Gino’s in Maplewood on Springfield Ave??
Bob M - March 01, 2025 - Report this comment
My comment was about the Gino’s in Clark, NJ, and the summer night ride was in 1970 (not ‘74).

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