Food of the Seventies, Bud's Daddy Bubble Gum

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It was a long rope of bubble gum about 16 inches long, you could chew it forever because it did not lose its flavor.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Bud's Daddy Bubble Gum from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Wayne Pickens - July 13, 2008 - Report this comment
I thought this was called Bub's Daddy Bubble Gum? I chewed a lot of it.
Sammy - July 16, 2008 - Report this comment
You're right. It was Bub's Daddy.
Sondra - August 25, 2009 - Report this comment
It was Bubs Daddy bubble gum, I chewed a lot of the grape. Made great bubbles and never lost it's flavor. You could put it on the bed post over night!
Rhonda - October 07, 2009 - Report this comment
I've been asking about this gum for ever! I loved it... long lasting flavor... i used to stick it on my snack table tv stand at night :) Where can I find it?
Marilyn - October 23, 2009 - Report this comment
It was definately Bub's Daddy, wish it was still available!!!!!!!!!!!!!
adriene - November 08, 2009 - Report this comment
sorry, it really was bud's daddy bubble gum. my favorites were grape and green apple!!!! those were the days!!
Sue - January 06, 2010 - Report this comment
Super Bubble is a brand of bubble gum manufactured by Farley's & Sathers Candy Company, Inc. In addition to the original flavor, Super Bubble also comes in apple, grape, and watermelon flavors. The recipe for Super Bubble bubble gum is actually the recipe for a much older brand, known as Bub's Daddy. Bub's Daddy bubble gum has long been out of business, but they sold the recipe. Over the years, the recipe has changed hands many times. Farley's & Sathers Candy Company, Inc., the current owners of the recipe, bought it from Hershey's a few years ago. The recipe changes hands but the gum remains popular under the Super Bubble label.
Jennifer - January 15, 2010 - Report this comment
With my dad in the cab of his pickup truck on the way to the dump on a Saturday morning, sharing a long stick of watermelon Bub's Daddy bubble gum. We both loved it! Truly it did not lose it's flavor, not even on that proverbial bed-post-overnight!! Sadly, I searched and searched for the watermelon flavor, but cannot find anywhere online. Great gum, GREAT memories!
Frenchie - March 01, 2010 - Report this comment
Bubs Daddy was AWESOME - you were totally cool if you had a couple folded in half in your back pocket...with your comb or brush! hhahaa inevitably, someone would say "hey can I get some "Bubs" off ya? hahaa - Great Memories and Great Gum
Mel - March 19, 2010 - Report this comment
I loved Bub's Daddy Cinnamon (or hot) bubble gum and the grape as well. The flavor lasted forever. I have been looking, but to no avail.
Robin - April 01, 2010 - Report this comment
I thought it was called Dadd's Bubble Gum, but no matter what it was good.
Michelle - April 23, 2010 - Report this comment
I used to buy Bub's Daddy watermelon from a small mom and pop store in SoCal in the '70s and '80s. It was too luscious for words! I have missed it ever since it disappeared some time before the '90s...sad
the-omega-man - June 06, 2010 - Report this comment
I will be selling the original fromthe 70's in its original wrappers for 7.99 each on Ebay under my name The-Omega-Man
Roberta J. Taylor - July 20, 2010 - Report this comment
I loved, loved, loved this gum too! I loved the apple, grape & cinnamon. I want to find it so badly. If anyone finds it please email me Thank you & have a blessed day:)
Diane - August 07, 2010 - Report this comment
I sued to buy bubs daddy gum for 10 cents at the optomist club. it would last me all night. I loved the apple and the grape was really good too. I wish I could find it. I found this cool site with old candy (groovy, but they didn't have bubs daddy gum.
tammy f from iowa - January 07, 2011 - Report this comment
my friends and family on new years eve tried like the dickens to remember the name of the fabulous rope gum of the 70-80s to no avail, thanks for this site ,please bring back our favorite gum dentist will luv u 2
Kaleen - March 26, 2011 - Report this comment
They still make it...but it's now called Super Bubble gum and they come in bite size pieces now. They have grape, apple and watermelon. Go to the Super Bubble web site.
TLanephoto - April 03, 2011 - Report this comment
I uploaded a couple pix I found. I used to buy a dollars worth of this stuff at a time- on a hot summer's day it would get soft enough so I could cram half a string in mouth at once!
Tim DiVito - August 17, 2011 - Report this comment
I had a entire drawer of this gum in the kitchen right next to the back door. I had every flavor imaginable and I loved it. It brings back memories just thinking about it. I hope someone starts making it again.
Andrew Hill - January 11, 2012 - Report this comment
This was the bet gum ever!!! And i also miss it! if anyone has a pic, please post to face book on my name!! All my friends remember it! Pittsburgh man!
Mike - February 14, 2012 - Report this comment
Yes I really loved Bubs Daddy Bubble gum. For 5 cents it was quite a bargain. My favorite flavor was Red Hot. Sometimes I would chew the whole pack and have a huge wad of gum. Yes it brings back fond memories of my childhood.
JOzie - June 04, 2012 - Report this comment
I just found a gum with a flavor really close to the watermelong flavor! It is called "5" and it's made by Wrigley's. They have several flavors, but this one is called "Prism". Check it out!
tad - August 20, 2013 - Report this comment
loved the apple flavor!!we used to coil it up and put it in our back pockets until we wanted a chew! mom always had fits when it was laundry day and we forgot to take it out of our pockets!!! what memories!!
Sharry - January 15, 2014 - Report this comment
A foot-long piece of gum for a dime? Unheard of today. But I swear whenever I'd find money in the couch, or lucky enough to find money in the street, I always went to the corner store and dot some Bub's Daddy grape. It would last you the whole day, and you could share it w/ your friends. All for one thin dime!
Jeff Henion - September 09, 2014 - Report this comment
I loved it! The best gum ever!! I wish someone would start making it again, they would make a killing!
Sherie - December 06, 2014 - Report this comment
Don't waste your time with Super Bubble gum. It doesn't even come close to the taste of the original Bubs Daddy gum.
Greg - March 21, 2015 - Report this comment
I loved Hubba bubba so much, When I would go bicycle riding with friends I'd take 6 of them with me, and in 2002 in a store that was re opened by new owners they found Hubba Bubba that had somehow ended up underneath a counter when I helped the son of the owner move the counter there was a huge mound of ants that had died on the sugary delight, I loved them and so did the ants,
Shelli A - April 19, 2015 - Report this comment
Oh those days at the ball park! While my older brothers played baseball, me and my two younger sisters would hit the consession stand to get a rope of that ole Bubs Daddy bubble gum. I remember the apple and watermellon flavors, but my favorite was grape. Just the other day I opened up a pkg. of grape Koolaid, and the smell brought back fond memories of Bubs Daddy, the best gum ever! It's good to know that the original recipe is still available now. I'm going to have to get some!
bert - October 22, 2015 - Report this comment
bubs daddy and big buddy ..da bomb in gum
Cleaveland - January 05, 2017 - Report this comment
In the early 70's my friend and I had multiple, made-up, clubs. The one that lasted the longest was called "The Vikings of the High Seas". To be in this club there were 5 initiations you had to pass. They were - 1. Balance in the middle of a teeter-totter for 2 minutes. 2. Eat ten crab apples in a row without stopping. 3. Ride down the hill my street was on, on your bike - NO HANDED. 4. You had to be able to climb into our tree house (this kept my little sister out). and 5. You had to put an entire Cinnamon (Red Hot) Bubs Daddy rope of gum in your mouth and chew it without spitting anything out. Bubs Daddy Red Hot was.....HOT. It really burned! But you had to do it. And we did! I loved Bubs Daddy Gum. When really little I received a weekly allowance of 25 cents. 5 cents went to my church offering; 10 cents went into my piggy bank; and the last 10 cents went to buying a weekly rope of Bubs Daddy Gum. Ahhh! If only life were that simple again!
Bob - October 01, 2017 - Report this comment
Bub's Daddy was manufactured by the Donruss Company (founded by two brothers, named Don and Russ) in Memphis, Tennessee. Donruss also made Superbubble bubble gum. Donruss was acquired and ended up folded into Leaf confections. Here's the history of Donruss:
Gordon - August 10, 2018 - Report this comment
The Cherry flavor was king, but the grape and original were just as wonderful
Charlie - February 04, 2022 - Report this comment
No Robin, Dad's bubble gum was something different he used to give you! *Wink Wink*

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