Clothes of the Seventies, Treds (shoes)

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Description: I dont know if every country had these but here in Australia we had 'Treds'. I think that is how you would spell it. They were sort of sandals I suppose but the bottom sole was made out of old car tyres.
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The following are comments left about Treds (shoes) from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Sharyn - July 18, 2008 - Report this comment
YES!!!!!! Where did they go, I have been googling trying to find info on them and coming up with Zip, someone must know something????
Wayne - August 24, 2008 - Report this comment
Yes I have been searching high and low for a picture of these. I had some as a kid and they were great. I want to show my kids what they were. If anybody has a pic of them please post it.
Debbie - October 16, 2008 - Report this comment
I have a photo of me wearing mine. I have never seen a pair since.
BAZ - June 22, 2009 - Report this comment
Eugene Labarbera - June 25, 2009 - Report this comment
I have 2 pairs at home. One pair never worn. I still wear the old pair to the beach. Looking to sell the other pair, but no one want to pay what i want for them. I even still have the bax they came in.
Debbie - July 20, 2009 - Report this comment
Are you serious Eugene? What sort of money do you want for them? I am intersted.
debbietoo - September 12, 2009 - Report this comment
can someone please email a photo of there treads to me, i had about 3 pair when i was a teenager... i must have been rich! lol
Evan - October 30, 2009 - Report this comment
Have a nice pair of treads, grey, red and blue leather straps over the tire treads. Cant even find a mention on ebay.
marzie - October 30, 2009 - Report this comment
i still have my & grey,glad im not the only one who has thought of these again..bring them back i say!!
Geoff Sharp - November 26, 2009 - Report this comment
Could someone help me find a picture of the old treads. I used to wear them when i was a young boy. Really need to see a pic of these so i can also show my kids.. Also anyone who wants to sell a pair id love to buy them what ever the cost. Thank you Geoff Please email me a pic if you can. Thank you so much
ray - December 31, 2009 - Report this comment
i had a pair when in my teens,best things ever,i'm 51 now and would still wear them if i had some,bring them back
lisa L - January 13, 2010 - Report this comment
I'd like to know who would sell me a pair. I'm also interested in Debbie's pair! I grew up in Oz and all my friends had I live in Canada.. my mom wouldn't let me have a pair... I am dying to find some so I can finally have my treds:)
Matthew - February 16, 2010 - Report this comment
my parents made them in Australia in the 70's... unfortunately we don't even have any left but we still have the original design templates
john - February 19, 2010 - Report this comment
HiMatthew,Is your fathers name Herman Please reply I am 57 years old and remember Treds being made.L
Julie Bee - February 28, 2010 - Report this comment
I'd love a pair too! I had brown/beige ones... here's a link to pictures for those asking.
Gillian Fox - March 31, 2010 - Report this comment
Yes I had a pair too, an old school friend reminded me of them. Mine were green and orange. lol - how cool.WTF
Sue - April 23, 2010 - Report this comment
Hi John, Any chance of getting/buying a copy of the design templates for the Treds your parents made in the 70s??
suzanne - May 07, 2010 - Report this comment
I'd buy a pair if someone made and sell them : ) It'll sell pretty well I think. My colleagues loved them and are very keen to get another pair!!
Annie - May 13, 2010 - Report this comment
I would love to have a pair of treds ( I think we used to spell them treads) and also to get a design template to make some. I had heaps of pairs, they were big in Cheltenham Melbourne and pretty cheap really, loved all the colours some were pretty outrageous combinations.
Ina - May 17, 2010 - Report this comment
Every other fashion shoe has been revisited. Treds have been missed HOW. They originally belonged to the beach culture namely the surfies. You were considered out there and to cool if you had a pair. l never had them off my feet much to my parents disgust. Recycled tyres how planet friendly they were. BRING THEM BACK NOW. Whoever manages to re introduce them will sweep the planet and finance their retirement.
Karen - May 29, 2010 - Report this comment
I would love to see a pair of treds,I need to show them to my Kids...I would also love to buy a pair if anyone has them for sale.......
Julie Mac - June 21, 2010 - Report this comment
You can find a picture of a pair of treads here along with other 70s fashions worn by the Australian Sharpie sub-culture. For those in Melbourne there is an exhibition of memorabilia opening at 2pm on Sunday 4th July and open every day from noon to 6 pm until the Sunday the 25th July at Kustom Gallyer 8 Luton Lane Hawthorn. Information about the exhibition can be found here
annette borg - July 20, 2010 - Report this comment
just talking to my 22 year old son about my treads,blue, grey and white plaited suede with a buckle on the side and tire on the bottom, bought at surf, dive and ski in bourke st melbourne, saved for months and never had them off my feet, they were so cool, thought i was fantastic.
glenn f - July 23, 2010 - Report this comment
i had a pair i lent to an old mate and didnt see him again until 27 years later and guess what he gavee them back to me .
mark - September 06, 2010 - Report this comment
i have actually found the country they are still being made in and hope to import them soon, so whatch this space.
JULES - September 28, 2010 - Report this comment
OMG. I've been telling my daughter about Treds for ages. Who knows how she image them looking like when I tell her they had tyres for soles and a woven suede upper. Mine lasted all my teenage years. I can't remember, for the life of me, what happened to them. I wish I had another pair.
A.J.E. - October 13, 2010 - Report this comment
Has anyone had any luck finding these?
JoeM - October 13, 2010 - Report this comment
I used to make them. I am thinking about starting up again?
Lynne - October 24, 2010 - Report this comment
Do it!
jean - November 27, 2010 - Report this comment
i keept my daughters tred and last week showed my daughter and she was so excited and took them home, some things ARE worth keeping
jen - January 02, 2011 - Report this comment
Im watching this space just incase someone knows where we can all get them from. Mine were Blue, Grey and white. I loved them and wore them so much. I wish I had them still.
Brenda - February 19, 2011 - Report this comment
please someone start selling them comfy and cool...want my kids to see them...someone could make a fortune if they got them out on the market again...
Maree - March 03, 2011 - Report this comment
I would so buy another pair, mine were tan and brown. I swear I didn't throw them out but don't know what happened to them. Anyone who starts making them now will definitely do well, I'd buy another pair no matter what they cost.
david - March 30, 2011 - Report this comment
can someone help me get in touch with the guy who was making treds in bon beach melbourne about 2 years ago he was selling them on ebay cheers
Shane S . - April 27, 2011 - Report this comment
Yes I wore a dark blue / light blue pair day in day out in the 70's , bought them myself and when the straps broke I replaced them with short laces . so where can I get another pair ? I've read above of templates being still around and someone that used to make them . Can you please provide more info to this site ?
david - April 29, 2011 - Report this comment
shane i spoke to a man on the phone who was in bon beach victoria about 2 years ago he said i could come to his place and be measured for size pay $20.. deposit pick my own colours and i was to pick the treds up within 2 weeks did not get around to doing that lost his ph no now im furious as the treds he was making were perfect he even had a pair on ebay that were for sale thats where i found him cant remember his name i know he had a partner and children and he knew cliff mitchel thats all i know would love to find out if he is still making the treds regards david
Andrea - May 28, 2011 - Report this comment
Hi, I have a pair tan and brown that I may sell for the right price. They are in pretty good condition and size 10 womens, or size 8 mens, I guess.
Con - June 02, 2011 - Report this comment
Can anyone that has templates to Treds leave a message i would like to get them to make Treds again leave a message or contact number or email thanks.
Mar - June 03, 2011 - Report this comment
Can't beleive I have found fellow tred lovers. I have been looking for a pair for years. I am always on the look out, I am a women's size 6. let me know if there is a pair out there or if you can purchase them again. Go the tred!
Rod - June 04, 2011 - Report this comment
Check out the facebook page called.....Treads - Bring Them Back
patto - June 14, 2011 - Report this comment
i have started making them the first 100 pr will be done in 6 weeks
stepman - June 30, 2011 - Report this comment
Hey patto, where can I get a pair and how much will they be? Will we be able to order specific colour combinations?
Mal - July 06, 2011 - Report this comment
I had green and black with Goodyear Grand Rally sole. I saw a woman with a pair at the Hallam Hotel about 5 years ago. Said she bought them in Dandenong. Spent all day searching to no avail. Someones gotta bring them back.
Rose Lowe - July 12, 2011 - Report this comment
Facebook has a TREADS BRING THEM BACK page to try and have Treads remade. Check it out, WE NEED TEMPLATES OR OLD TREADS TO MAKE SAMPLES FROM if anyone can help
Dy - July 26, 2011 - Report this comment
Yep!! l have a pair and no l don't wanna sell 'em but l am happy to provide a photo so someone out there can make them l have a shop called Dyoligy in Traralgon and would love to sell them from here...
Eily J - August 13, 2011 - Report this comment
I had a tan & brown pair in my teens. Been telling my kids about them also. Wish I knew what happened to them. Would love a pair now as am going to a party and would love to wear them!!!!
Linda - September 24, 2011 - Report this comment
has anyone got a pair they are willing to sell?????pls contact me
Nicki - September 24, 2011 - Report this comment
I just brought my first pair of treads it taken 35 xmas's for me to get a pair should go well with my miller shirt and staggers
Jeni - September 27, 2011 - Report this comment
I used to were treds all the time and miller shirts and staggers jeans. My daughter wishes I had keep all my 70's & 80's clothes, so do I.
Scotty - September 29, 2011 - Report this comment
I MISS MY TREADS!! Where oh where, Nicki, after 35 xmas's did you find (or your gift giver) a pair? Please share, we'd all LOVE to know. I'm so jealous! What colour are they? Thank you so much for have this page :)
Brian - October 24, 2011 - Report this comment
" Treds Surf Sandals" , yes there back , new and improved. Place your orders now for delivery before Christmas. Please contact Brian Gregson at for more details.
billy - January 17, 2012 - Report this comment
found a pair orig from the 70s in cousins belongings how much would they sell for ?
mick - January 18, 2012 - Report this comment
@BRIAN - hey dude do you have a website i can look at colors and sizes and how much cheers !!!
Steve - February 12, 2012 - Report this comment
billy, you would be looking at $100 plus depending on condition. Just post them on Ebay, last pairs sold for about 120.00...Cheers
Anne - February 13, 2012 - Report this comment
I would love a pair of treads. They were my favorite shoes as a teenager. Every other fashion seems to have been recycled at some stage but not this one.
Anne - February 13, 2012 - Report this comment
Eily J, If i have not managed to find a pair before our Bali trip in September I'd love a copy of your photo to take over and get some made there. I live in morwell so can call in any time.
Steve - February 14, 2012 - Report this comment
Anne & Eily J, try, new company may have photos up of what they are importing. company is in Nth Warrandyte and have a nautical style tred and something closer to the original.
steve - February 14, 2012 - Report this comment
Mick, Anne and Ely J, It is a website from Brian (comment October 24h above), one of the girls from Facebook site (Treds bring them back) has been over to see them....they retail on website for $96.00
ken - March 10, 2012 - Report this comment
pair on ebay aus 200 bucks size 6 womens green and blue
Brad - March 13, 2012 - Report this comment
Sorry Ken, My wife just purchased said pair of treads off e-bay. This time she says she's never going to let them go !!!!!!!!!
Delia - April 10, 2012 - Report this comment
hi patto have you made any treds up i know your comments are nearly 12 mths ago i am after some treds
Delia - April 10, 2012 - Report this comment
Hi mark have you imported any treads since last year? Please let me know as i would love to buy a pair from you.
Rick - April 18, 2012 - Report this comment
I have A box full of new Treads I kept from the early 80s.Used to sell them in my store.They where made in Mt Martha by a small business called Soul surfers from memory.Decided one day to put some aside to collect as an investment as I guessed in the future they would be hard to find in new condition and collectable.Maybe it's time to sell them with the 70s -80s back in?
Tracey - April 19, 2012 - Report this comment
Hi Rick, if you are interested in selling a pair, send me an email at
Dee - April 19, 2012 - Report this comment
Hi Rick if you are selling treds please advise on asap
Brian Gregson - April 25, 2012 - Report this comment
We have begin importing the Treds sandal and out first shipment is due to arrive early May. Check out our web Site for more details . More pics will be posted as soon as the shipment arrives
Steve - May 04, 2012 - Report this comment
Hi Rick, as above if you are selling please contact me on have been trying for years to find a pair.
lipeon2 - May 05, 2012 - Report this comment
I have a pair kids size i bought them in melbourne 1975 in a market,for my daughter bianca to wear to sunbury concert ,well she also got her pic taken front page of the sun newspaper with them on pretty small but will keep for ever ,boy they were heavy .
Debra Cottrell - July 01, 2012 - Report this comment
SO VERY GLAD you guys all remember these sandals, the TREDS! I once had a pattern to make them and lots of purchased Treds, but alas, have none left....must find the sellers from all you guys and start another 70s trend up here in the country.
Mel - August 07, 2012 - Report this comment
you can now buy them in Australia - check out - Treds the footwear with soul -98445213
gary mallick - September 01, 2012 - Report this comment
if you go on to youtube type in melbourne sharpies there are few pictures of the sharpie cardigans or skinhead and i found a picture of treds
Gina - September 27, 2012 - Report this comment
Hi Rick, If you still have any treads to sell would love to hear from you. Thanks, Gina
Mary serendipity - September 29, 2012 - Report this comment
OMG... Please please, where can u buy these from.. I have great memories wearing treads ... I've been searching for ages..
Leigh - November 03, 2012 - Report this comment They are coming back :-) Register for more info
Jammy - November 04, 2012 - Report this comment are ORIGINAL treads! Register to find out more.
Tamara - November 10, 2012 - Report this comment
Found out that these are the orignial treads! I cant wait to get a pair!!!
Shona - November 21, 2012 - Report this comment
Yep I own a pair grey & purple with black, cant bend the bloody tyre tread, like rock now!!...just bought them out to show my son & his girlfriend...size 7 & I think I got them in 1974-75?? (I was 14-15 respectivley) Bought back the good ole days of memories wearing them, they were so cool!! Think i should revolutionize them again!!
Carolyn - December 02, 2012 - Report this comment
Gary Mallick, can you tell me what state the phone no is for
Steve - December 03, 2012 - Report this comment
carolyn the phone number is a Melbourne number. there are currently 2 treds websites. which is up and running and which is registering interest and supposedly selling them in the near future.
Lesqueasha - December 28, 2012 - Report this comment
I wanted them as a teenager but my mum couldn't afford them. I remember some teenagers had them in football team colours.
Sheri - January 13, 2013 - Report this comment
There used to be a tread factory in Parkdale Vic all the surfies highschool kids worked there making them. Having looked them up they were a mexican style of footwear. I got a pair in grade 5 or 6.
DebraDianne - February 21, 2013 - Report this comment
TREDS, I now want a pair, I did make my own pattern sometime ago but just don't have time to cut out my tyre tread and time consumingly weave my suede, so if anyone can contact me to either sell me a pair of 8 1/2 sz or tell me where I can buy some, and no the Mexican leather ones, I will be so appreciate! Deb Cottrell, Quambatook.
Geraldine (Clancy) - March 07, 2013 - Report this comment
I know the Parkdale shop. They were the best shoes. I saved my money for a pair and a year or two later got another for my birthday.Was rapted and went that night to ice skating at Oakleigh and some rat pinched them. I just hope they enjoyed and were to poor to buy their own.Great memories and also made surfeit bracelets with hat elastic and beads from Mordy Surf Shop to go with our Patchouli oil perfume. Lol
DebraDianne - March 15, 2013 - Report this comment
Has anyone found a pattern online yet, or will I have to just design my own again, hopefully someone has an old book with the pattern in them?! Please!
Rosie - April 13, 2013 - Report this comment
David 2011. We have purchased the Templates from the guy in Bonbeach. We are sourcing Tyres and are ready to start producing Treads very soon. Info at TREADS-BRING THEM BACK
Jill - May 25, 2013 - Report this comment
Loved these treads when i was growing up in Melbourne.... Rosie, please advise when you have some for sale - hope you will be able to ship overseas (France). If anyone has some to sell in the meantime, please let me know!
michelle walker - June 16, 2013 - Report this comment
please let me know where they are guys im in melborne still and love to wear them again hippie at heart
Chainey - June 16, 2013 - Report this comment
Would buy a pair of treads a heartbeat!! Hope someone can let us know when they are available again. Someone is gonna make a bl**dy fortune! :-)
Robyn - June 18, 2013 - Report this comment
I had one pair of blue/grey treads when I was in my early teens, 50 now. I loved them and a dog pinched one from the front door. I was devastated and if they ecame available again I would be buying another pair. Very comfy footwear.
Marion Stone - July 07, 2013 - Report this comment
Facebook page....TREADS - BRING THEM BACK... They are being made again....Hooray.
Rosie - July 08, 2013 - Report this comment
Jill we are making them now.. Check TREADS-BRING THEM BACK ON FACEBOOK
julia - November 28, 2013 - Report this comment
I have about 20 pairs of brand new treads, authentic from 70's. I bought the last batch that were made about 12 years ago.. i only have small sizes up to ladies size 6. Email me if you want. im in rowville melbourne. They are still packed away so ill have to go through and c exactly what colours and sizes i have left...
julia - November 28, 2013 - Report this comment
Correction to the post above.... the biggest pairs i have are womens size 8, cause im a size 9 and i just get into them....they do stretch..
margaret - December 01, 2013 - Report this comment
would love to buy a pair just like every other 50 something year old...I came from a poor family and could never afford a pair...would love to buy some girly ones.....I wear 7 1/2 but would happily chop off my toes to fit into a pair....) Would love some originals and happy to pay well for them...thanks
Sam - December 11, 2013 - Report this comment
I CAN'T believe it......I wanted a pair of Treds as a young girl in the 70's, but my Mum thought they were the ugliness things ever and refused to buy them. I even tried to make my own, with a piece of tyre. Now bored at work, did a search and to find this page and the fact they are being made again is amazing!!!!!
Silke - December 28, 2013 - Report this comment
I really wanted a pair too. But my parents couldn't afford them. It makes sense though. Re-use the old tyres for shoes rather than landfill.
Muz - January 10, 2014 - Report this comment
Talking to my 24yo nephew tonight about them & he couldn't believe I still kept mine & didn't believe anyone would want them. Also have my original sharpie cardigan (with the little belt on the back), school shoes and uniform and original velour jumper all from the 70's. Do I have trouble throwing things out or could I recognise treasures.
julia - January 18, 2014 - Report this comment
I am interested in getting the patterns/templates for making treads.. i have the tyres, just need the patterns. Email me..
Jasper - January 19, 2014 - Report this comment
There are also Treads being made on FaceBook under Shani's hand made treads & Revitilising Polish it is not the original pattern and they are made with recycled rubber sole but they are as comfy and look great so go and have a look
Michelle - January 22, 2014 - Report this comment
Hello does anyone know where i can get a pair of treads.
Steve - January 26, 2014 - Report this comment
Julia (jan 10) i believe Rosie from the treads bring them back website on facebook has purchased the original pattern and has been making them for over 12 months now, i have a pair and they are great..have you sold the batch of treads you purchaed 12 yrs ago? Michelle, go to the facebook site and have a look. Cheers
COLLETTE - January 30, 2014 - Report this comment
Does anybody no where I can buy a pair of treads in melbourne? would love a pair use to have a pair when they were out
Mark - March 17, 2014 - Report this comment
I will be manufacturing treds again. Hoping to start production within6 months.
Mez - April 09, 2014 - Report this comment
Tread's Shoes on facebook I loved these shoes. Also a link to treads on ebay...........
Chezz - May 17, 2014 - Report this comment
I have a pair on righnow! I'm 53 and bought them when I was 15! Best things ever made! I get great comments of where people can buy them! Yes bring back these originals they are so cool!
Narissa - May 28, 2014 - Report this comment
I have a pair of Treads - I was going to put them on Ebay! Anyone interested in them?? They are blue and grey. I think they are about a mens size 8 but would have to check. If anyone is interested please post your email and I can send you a pic and further details. I just googled and came across this site - are you all in Australia?? I'm from Melbourne.
cane - August 15, 2014 - Report this comment
How much would a pair of treads in good used condition be wotth today? Just curious
steven wang - August 21, 2014 - Report this comment
Are you looking for cheap flip flops from China, everpal company specialize in manufacturing flip flops with more than 20 years.-EVERPAL TEAM
Victoria - September 17, 2014 - Report this comment
Hi narissa, I'm interested in buying your treads How can I contact you?
julia - September 22, 2014 - Report this comment
I have a pair of NEW treads on ebay.. auction ends today.
Craig Williams - January 07, 2015 - Report this comment
I have a friend who makes them from home. You can see some samples here.
Kerryn - March 19, 2015 - Report this comment
Hi I make Treads so if interested you can drop me a line
Debbie - September 03, 2015 - Report this comment
hi just wondering if anyone has a pair of treads for sale please ,if so would lve to hear from you, you can email me on
Kj - February 16, 2016 - Report this comment
I have a blue pair still ..... they weigh a ton on your feet ..... still in good condition ..... not sure why I kept them but glad I did
Deb - December 12, 2016 - Report this comment
A pair of original sharpie treads was listed on ebay yesterday.
Paloma Gower - July 11, 2017 - Report this comment
I am making Treads to order in your size and favourite colours. Please contact me on, website, Facebook pages: Treads Shoes and Treads - they ARE back,

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