Clothes of the Seventies, Parka Coat

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When it was popular:
Description: It was one one of the fashions of 1973 ,if not the whole 70's.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Parka Coat from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Kent Brockman - October 11, 2008 - Report this comment
And what, pray tell, did it look like?
morinellus - June 11, 2022 - Report this comment
It was in the later 60s - I was still a child - when I first saw a parka, called "reporter coat" in my country: A hooded coat, usually olive green, of solid poplin fabric, with a hood, a lining fixed by press buttons, a belt, and a zipper concealed by buttons - which drew my special attention, as I felt a strange tension between the zipper that I liked as something of my own, and the buttons that I hated halfway as something strange, but by the same time fascinated me as a symbol of a dominating power: the "good" zipper being "eaten up" by the "bad" buttons. During my youth in the 70s such parkas (including more military style models) were fashionable among younger people, and I got excited when I put my first parka, zipped it up and did up the buttons. But I saw many guys that left the parka unzipped and did only the buttons, which I abhorred, and it caused me a strange kind of pain; I didn't understand yet that this turned me on even more. - Decades later I remembered that excitement, and my desire to wear such parkas again was fulfilled when I found some in a second hand shop. Since then again I wear parkas whenever it's cold enough, and though I often still do up both zipper and buttons, I now find it more exciting to button the parka unzipped, so that the pull of the open zipper hangs underneath the lowest button.

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